Chapter 18

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"Anthony put me down!" I yelled as I tried to be serious but it wasn't really working for me considering I couldn't stop laughing to the point of tears.

"Not until you say I look like Harry Potter!" He laughed as he ran around the park with me on his back.

Wondering what is going on right now? Well Anthony said he has been told he looked like that Harry Potter guy but I said he didn't so now we are in this situation.

"Okay you look like that guy from the 'Harry Potter Series'." I yelled as I gave up, he put me down and pulled back to the grass.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date with me?" I looked at him as I thought over the pros and cons.

"Why I would love to. So where are we going?" I asked as I took his hand and stood up.

He kept my hand locked in his and we walked toward my house, "Wear something you wouldn't mind getting dirty."

I gave him an odd look before a laugh escaped my lips and he just smiled down at me and kissed my cheek.


I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch. After a lot of nagging he told me he wouldn't tell me where we were going and he said it was one of our favorite things to do when we were going out before. It didn't really help but I guess it was better than nothing.

I got a text and looked down to see that it was a text from Anthony that said he was here. I grabbed my keys as I yelled a goodbye to my mom and went toward his truck. I slid in and I saw something out of the corner of my eye but he turned me around before I could get a better look.

"You look beautiful." He simply stated as he looked at me for a second then back at the road.

I scanned my outfit, old pair of jeans, v-neck, and old work boots, with my hair in a ponytail. Anthony looked over at me and took my hand in his. It was a small gesture but a cute sweet one. I looked at him and noticed all the little things once more. His terrible singing voice that he was now using as the radio played old hits from the early 2000's and the way he glance at me every so often to make sure I wasn't peaking at the surprise. When I finally came of that trance so to speak I saw we were going on a familiar road but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Once we had been on the road for a good 20 minutes and I noticed we were  on to a track and I instantly got excited. Anthony parked the car and saw I was getting jittery. He opened his door and I swung my door open before I ran out after I shut the door behind myself. I looked in the bed of the truck and noticed he had my old dirt bike on it along with his own. I pulled the tailgate down and jumped on to the bed of the truck with Anthony who stood on the ground so I could hand him the bikes.

"So am I not the best?" He stopped mid sentence not knowing what to address himself as but I just laughed in an awkward way not knowing what to call him my self.

"You are the best!" I wouldn't call him my boyfriend we just forgave each other but we did act like we were dating from time to time.

I took the straps off the bikes and I rolled them one by one to Anthony who pulled them down on to the ground. After both of them are down and I am off we shut the tailgate. Anthony jogged to the front of the truck grabbed some clothes and I noticed it was my riding clothes and his. You think I would have noticed all of this but I was a little distracted.

"No questions till later." He smiled took my hand, he looked like a little kid in a candy store.

We grabbed all the gear on and I placed my helmet on, at the same time Anthony did.

"How about a race like old times?" I asked as I lifted the face shield so I could make eye contact with him.

"You're on." He yelled as he sat on his bike.

I smirked as I placed my face shield down and revved my engine, the little nugget didn't even wait till the count down because he just took off. Which gave him an unfair advantage with a head start. I took off with a jump right at the start and landed it perfectly which I didn't think I could do after months of not riding. It gave me a weird feeling between anxious and exhilarating in my stomach.

The thought that something could go seriously wrong and I could get hurt moves its way through me as I take the second jump. When I landed with a thud I felt the wind make everything better and soon the scary thought goes right out of my mind. The ground zoomed by as I made a left and Anthony was in view once more. The next jump came and I pushed my bike to go as fast as I could.

I passed him as I landed and took a right. The end well where we started was a few feet away but Anthony was right behind me. Just a few more inches, I got to where we started a second before Anthony did and turned my bike off.

"I won! In your face!" I whipped my helmet off and danced around.

"Sure, I let you win." He said as he took his helmet off and rolled his eyes.

"Ya that's what all the losers say." I smiled and got back on my dirt bike for another round against him.

I couldn't believe everything seemed normal like everything between never happened and I was truly completely happy.


After a few more laps we packed the bikes up. I closed the tailgate and was about to get in the truck when Anthony grabbed my hand and started to walk in a different direction.

"Where are we-" He pointed in front of us and in the dirt he spelled out 'Mia will you give me a chance?"

I looked at him and was really confused, "Another chance at what?"

He looked at me and said "Another chance at making things right between us and when the time comes for there to possible be an us again."

I looked at him with a smile and wrapped my arms his waist which allowed me to hear his heartbeat that seemed to quicken, "Yes, but if you screw up again that's it my heart won't be able to do it again."

He pulled back a little frown on his face he softly put a hand on my face, "I'm going to try to do better, I have been trying for a long time. That is why had been slowly trying to talk to you again."

I made eye contact with him and had a slight smile on my face, "Thank you it means a lot but as long as we take it slow I think this could work, us."

The frown on his face slowly turned into a smile, and he spoke up after a few minutes of being silent, "Good, now what do you say we go grab something to eat?"

I nodded my head, before I jumped on his back, "Onward my noble prince."

He walked his way to the truck before he put me down, he grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you." he whispered while he looked into my eyes with our foreheads touching.

I smiled while I laughed, "For what?"

"Not giving up on me and giving me another chance." I smiled and pushed him toward the driver's side lightly.

"Stop being so cheesy and drive." A hearty loud laugh escaped his lips before he jumped into the truck as I followed suit.


Hey lovelies!

First off I want to thank one of my friends who helped me write this chapter because some parts with the dirt bikes I didn't know how to put it. Also sorry this chapter is up late. I hope you all enjoyed the story! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share.Thank you for reading and see you all later!BYE!


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