Chapter 11

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The music filled my ears as me and my friends(counting Jamie) all danced together in the loud gym that was way too hot. There was a pull on my arm and I turned around to see Ethan who stood behind me. "Want to come with me for some air?" He looked completely nervous, as he rushed me to a secluded area on a balcony.

"Are you trying to kill me because I have a good pair of lungs." I stopped as soon as I saw the serious look on Ethan's face his eyes holding too much worry.

"Have you seen the letter?" He asked as he stared out into the dark night, he was starting to worry me big time.

"What letter, I don't know what you are talking about." I stepped back slowly but I bumped into someone.

"Ethan not yet." The voice sounds like Anthony and turning around just verifies that it is him.

My eyes must turn dark because he took one step away from me with his hands in mock surrender, "I have no clue what the two of you are up to but I am going to enjoy the dance." I stepped back as I watched them argue but I took a wrong step and fell down one of the flights of stairs. I tried to keep my eyes open as I hear the music stop and my friends run over to me but I can't. The last thought I had before I my eyes shut, was 'stupid heels!'


I felt something wet that dripped down my face, I slowly brought my hand to my head. It was cold and hard, I picked it up and slowly opened my eyes but the light made it difficult to see. I just made it out as an ice pack. The door creaked open in the far right of the door and then someone sat down on the bed and I see their face. It was Dana?

"Hi, how are you feeling?" She sounds, genuinely worried?

"Ok I guess, my head is throbbing and I have a bad headache."

"I'm sorry." She looked down at her lap and chose not to meet my eyes.

"For what you didn't push me down the stairs and-" she cut me off before I could finish my sentence her eyes had stayed on her lap.

"Not for that but for being a bad sister, I made fun of you and I never gave you a chance. You tried to be a good sibling but I just turn my back." She looked up and I could tell she hadn't fibbed, "When I saw you fall I realized the person I have been to you wasn't okay and if something more serious happened to I could never forgive myself."

"Well let's start over then." She smiled and laughed a little.

"Hi I'm Mia and my mom just married your dad."

"Hi I'm Dana, and I am happy I finally have a sister that is sorta like a twin sister and we can talk without it being weird because we are at a point in our life where we are going through the same problems." We both smiled and I told her something I never thought I could.

"I'm trying to get into a school in England for performing arts, does that sound stupid to you?"

"No! That is amazing! I wish I had the guts to do that!" We were both laughed when my mom walked in with a complete genuine smile I had yet to see in months.

"I see both of you are getting along finally! Now if only Stacey and Amy would follow in your footsteps Dana." My mom said while she sat on the other side of me.

Dana stood up and smiled" I will see what I can do." Then waved bye as she walked away most likely to her room.

"How are you feeling?" I shrugged and pointed to my head and she got up as she nodded her head.

"Mom wait, I need to ask you something!" She sat back down and stared at me worried.

"At the dance, Ethan asked me about some letter. Anthony heard him and told him not now. Is there something you need to tell me?" My mom looked shocked as she swallowed and tried to get the words out.

"Umm I need to make a phone call and then we can talk about this. Well, once you feel better of course." I tried to stop her but she ran, literally ran out of the room.

Are we sure I'm the only one with a head injury because other people seem to be acting up more than me.



Hey readers!

What do you think about the chapter? Did you expect what happened? I hope you guys had an amazing New Years Eve/ New Year's Day! Also thank you guys for over 600 reads!!!!! It blows my mind that people actually read my story! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share maybe even follow if you have time! Talk to you guys soon, Bye!

Qotd- What do you think is on the letter?


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