Chapter 7

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The sun's rays hit my face and the device that is supposed to be nice was being evil by waking me up. I grabbed the device which I honestly wanted to through across the room. "Who put an alarm on my phone?" I asked the air because I looked over and the other person who was there when I fell asleep was no longer by my side.

My door opened and in walked Kian "I did because we are going out for breakfast so get dressed." I just nodded and got dressed in leggings and a sweatshirt.

As I walked out of the cave as in my room and made my way to the bathroom where I could brush my teeth and do the rest of my business. Once that was done, I looked around for a beanie because my hair was a little on the bad side on this fine day, but as I looked under my bed a beanie flew from the Heavens and hit me on my behind. I turned around to thank the Heavens but instead I only had my best friend to thank, Kian.

"Here you forgot your beanie at the park, I think, you can use mine for today, but I want it back soon." He told me sternly, he knew already that I loved to take his beanies, especially considering the one I lost was actually his. I just don't think he remembers which is pretty good considering he is still mad for the time that I stole his sweatshirt that I never gave back. Okay, maybe I have a problem with taking comfy clothes from him but I can't help it.

"Thanks" I replied as I placed the beanie on my head. As I took a step to the left to see if this cover the rat's nest on my head. Which was accomplished so I was all good to leave my home without looking like I had been hit by a bus, entirely.

We made our way to Kian's car, were I took a seat in the passenger spot I looked over at Kian, "Thank you." I spoke up as I reached over and patted his hand with a smile on my face.

He glanced my way before he moved his eyes to look back at the road, I could see the smile on his face even from the angle I was looking at him with, "For what?"

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face as I looked at the window where the sun shined through and hit the mirror just right, "Being my best friend, being there yesterday with me, and not giving up on getting inside yesterday even if you annoyed the poo out of me."

"I thought you would like some space after yesterday but what kind of best friend would I be without annoying you and being there for you." Kian joked after almost hitting a squirrel that ran in front of our car.

"First off try not to hit innocent squirrels why don't you, and second you are about to miss the restaurant." As soon as he comprehended what I had said he took a sharp right which caused the car behind to share their thoughts on the matter.

"Nice driving Captain moron." I smirked as I stepped out of the car with a smile on my face and a rumble in my tummy. I stepped into Home Cook the town's best and most beloved food, the amazing aroma of baked goods surrounded me.

The sound of old tunes played in the background as Kian finally decided to join me as Mandy, one of the waitresses, came up to us, "Mia, Kian, table for two?"

We both nodded, she guided us to our table that was besides a large window that showed a large field with plants that danced in the wind. With the sun that shined down creating shadows, "Thank you Mandy." I said while I was handed the menu even though everyone in this town most likely knew it by heart.

After the menus were shared across between myself and Kian we ordered our drinks both opting for orange juice, in which Mandy nodded and smiled, "Okay, I will be right back with that."

"I think that I'm going to get the Endless Supply of Pancakes." I spoke confidently while glancing over the menu one last time, that was until I saw Kian face.

"That bad huh?" The look of pity, oh how much it disgusts me. I placed my menu down with some force before I looked him in the eyes, I could smell the fear that shed from him.

"Can't a girl eat whatever the hockey stick she cares for without being judged by someone who is you, I'm stressed out beyond belief with my mother acting like she never gave birth to me, my 18th birthday around the corner making my an adult without having one stable adult to look up to around me considering my father only calls once in a full moon, don't even get me started on Anthony who needs to lay off and my cousin acting like a world class witch. So yes, it is that bad." Before I could even fully calm myself Mandy was back with our drinks and took our order.

The food couldn't have arrived quicker the tension between both my best friend and I was as bad as Anthony hitting on girls. So as soon as those pancakes came they were going to have all my attention for the next, however long it took to eat this stack of pancakes.


As I stepped into the house I quickly figured out that my mom would be home with the evil four and the place looked terrible. Maybe leaving my so called friends in charge while I spent sometime in my bedroom was not the best idea. I always liked to clean the kitchen first, I made my way from the living room to the large open kitchen but I guess the hectic past 24 hours wasn't enough because there lying on the ground was a huge snake! What I want to know is how that thing got in the house but before I had time to have a tea party with the thing and chat over pastries I screamed and ran for my life. As I ran to the stares the door swung open and in ran, Anthony. You have got to be kidding me. I carefully followed him and watched as he took hold on the animal and gently placed it outside where it gracefully slithered away. "I heard you screaming while I was taking a walk outside, the door was open so I ran in to see what happened." He stated as he made his way to the door, without even waiting for my response he was gone with the door shut behind him.

"Well then someone isn't getting a thank you." As I sassed my way over to the door to make sure it was actually locked.

Before cleaning I made my way around the usual social medias that were on my phone but as I was scrolling through, I saw a picture that truly felt like a slap to the face, "Oh the irony."



Hey everyone!

Ok I know this is probably going to be a super short chapter but I wanted to be able to update for you guys today. I will try to update again this week at some point! What do you guys think so far? What do you think Mia got sent about Jamie?

QOTD-How many of you are a true fan of this book or any of my other books?

Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote, share, and if you have time follow. Talk to you guys later! Bye!


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