To SilentStory132

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Silentstory132: I dare Madeline to go up to Foxy, say something random, and walk away like nothing happened.

Madeline: I'm not doing that!

Marionette: you have to. We have to do every dare.

Madeline: fine *leaves Prize Corner and heads to the office*

(In the office)

Madeline: *walks into the office* Hey Leah. Hey Foxy.

Me: what's up!

Foxy: Hello to ye as well Mad-

Madeline: Holy mcnuggers the enemy ships are firing cannonballs! *walks away with a straight face*

Foxy: what?

Me: *starts laughing* I love randomness!

(In Prize Corner)

Marionette: so, how'd it go?

Madeline: never again

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