To Feketerozsa2002 and Vbarreto111

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Feketerozsa2002 and Vbarreto111: we dare all the animatronics to turn human and all the humans to turn into an animatronic

Foxy: yes! I've been waitin' fer this moment!

Toy Bonnie: make it happen Leah! *grabs my shoulders and shakes me* make it happen!!!

Me: okay BonBon! Let me go so I can make you guys human

Toy Bonnie: *instantly lets go*

Me: *takes out piece of paper and a pen* *writes: it was a normal night at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria when suddenly, the animatronics turned human and the humans turned into robotic animals* I may regret this...
*turns into a fox animatronic*

Madeline: *turns into a metal, female version of Marionette* what the hell?!

Toy Bonnie: *turns human* aww yeah sons!

Foxy: *turns human* lassie! Ye look...amazin'

Me: as do you, captain

Toy Freddy: *walks into Prize Corner* what is going on he-*turns human* ......well then

Bonnie: *runs into the room* GUYS! The strangest thing just happened! I'm huma-*sees the others* well I guess you did know

Toy Bonnie: look! His face is back! But he still looks like crap

Bonnie: we're no longer made of metal *cracks knuckles* prepare for a beat down...

Toy Bonnie: uh oh...*runs out of the room* someone help me!!!!

Bonnie: get back here! *chases after Toy Bonnie*

Me: well this is just splendid

Foxy: now if only ye were back t' yer form this could work out!

Me: what could work out?

Foxy: never mind

Marionette: Madeline! You look amazing!

Madeline: I look like you...I'm just metal

Marionette: exactly! Amazing!

Toy Freddy: this is proof that your full of yourself

Marionette: SHUT UP

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