To MarionetteGirl04

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MarionetteGirl04: I dare Marionette to hide and jump scare anyone who passes him

Marionette: I'm going to enjoy this *hides in the darkness*


Toy Bonnie: I don't know how many times I have to tell you it's not my fault!

Bonnie: y-ye-yes it is! T-they t-oo-took my f-face to m-make y-yOu

Toy Bonnie: I never asked to be made now did I?!

*both walk down the hall*

Marionette: *leaps out of his hiding spot* RAAAAAAAAA!

Toy Bonnie: OH DEAR GOD *jumps and clutches into Bonnie's leg*

Bonnie: ........n-nice j-ump-sca-re bro....*looks down at Toy Bonnie* l-let g-go ya scaredy c-cat

Toy Bonnie: ........ *continues hanging on to Bonnie's leg*

Bonnie: u-un-unbelievable...


Marionette: *back in his hiding spot* aha! There she is

Me: *walking down the hallway while carrying a smoothie* I have a smoothie, a Steven Universe DVD, and a quiet, secret base that only I know about. This is gonna be a relaxing night indeed

Marionette: *jumps out* RAAAAAAAA!

Me: *screams and drops smoothie on the floor* *looks down* you're payin' for that

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