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Hi everyone!

I hope you're all enjoying the story!

I made a playlist with all the songs I used! U can find it on Spotify under the name "ANON." (Acc: 1morechonce) or follow this link!

I hope everyone is safe and is (or soon will be) vaccinated!
I'm getting mine in a few weeks😍
Pretty nervous about it tho cause I HATE shots/needles and afraid I will get sick:( but I guess it's better than the alternative right?:(

Okay well, stay safe and see you prob tomorrow:D

fun thing to mention maybe, I plotted out the story and we have about 10 to 15 chapters left and then it's overrrr
(I'm already at 40.000 words lol HOW??!)

Okii byeeeee

XX isa

ANON. || l.s.Where stories live. Discover now