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Seven's POV


After leaving the two leftover prisoners, Oscar and Mustache Man in their own cell block. We headed back to our own with a heavy air. Part of the heaviness was probably because of my doings, but I'm sure that it wasn't entirely the reason for it.

So as soon as we arrived back to our own cell block, I couldn't say I was surprised when Daryl immediately called me over, "Seven, heal." He says while stalking towards the door leads outside. As I always do, I follow his command despite my own minds panic and anxiety. Here's my punishment..

I couldn't say I was surprised to be punished for what I did either. Daryl would rarely ever punish me or scold me for things, but I knew this time I was in some deep shit. It would've been more surprising for him to not punish me.

He opened the door and I followed closely behind him. The beating Georgia sun's rays seemed to love my black coat like a moth loves the light. My paws burned against the asphalt of the prison so all I could do to make it bearable was to constantly keep my paws moving.

Daryl still stood by the door while I walked in front of him, leading as I like to typically do. "If you're gonna act like some rabid dog, then imma treat ya' like one," He says gruffly, staring me down with a disappointed and angry look.

My heart feels like it's cracked, and with every hurtful word it seems to shatter more. My eyes burn and soon become blurry with a watery sensation making it difficult to see the man I looked up to most. The worst part of it all was that I knew exactly why he's doing this. I'm able to understand his coarse of action to a T. It would've been much less painful for my heart for me to not understand why he was doing this. But I was smarter than that.

He shuts the door, leaving me out in the sun to bake. Not literally or with the intention to do so, but it was so hot. I look over to where one of the towers are, a shadow looming over the field where we stayed the night prior. I didn't know how long Daryl was going to leave me out here but, I may as well try and keep cool.

It doesn't take me to find a hole in the fence big enough for me to fit through but too small for a walker or human to. I always surprised myself considering how big of a dog I was.

I quickly trot over to the field, wanting to get there quickly so my paws no longer burn with each step and my back doesn't slowly cook with the heat. The gravel gets stuck between my toes and some of it just nestles it's way into my paw paws themselves making some of my steps hurt. Maybe I should get some doggie socks?

The thought as silly as it sounded, would be useful. Of course I never liked the idea of a dog with some snazzy socks or shoes because well.. that looks dumb in my own personal dog opinion. But if it can protect my paws from the hear and gravel that is everywhere in this state, then I'll happily look a little goofy with some dog socks.

Luckily the gate into the field itself had a small crack I was able to squeeze through if I sucked in my gut. It wasn't long until I was laying in the grass of the field, under the shade of one of the guard towers. I was so tired and so bloody. I didn't like being alone right now. I think too much as it is (especially for a dog), but for me to be alone.. I won't be able to stop myself from thinking.

Why did I lose it..? Why did I rip out the throat of a prisoner? I sigh, resting my head on my paws and gazing out towards the tree line. What's out there? I question, remembering the glowing eyes that peered at me through the bushes late during the night.

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogWhere stories live. Discover now