t w e n t y

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Seven's POV

"Take him out to Senoia — hour there, hour back, give or take. We may lose the light, but we'll be halfway home by then." Rick explains to Daryl. The two were hunched over a map, deciding how they were gonna set Randall loose, this time Rick choosing Daryl as a partner instead of Shane.

We were on the front porch while I lay behind them and listen in, being that I was also assigned to go on this 'mission' of sorts. Well not really assigned but more like Daryl was assigned and I'm tagging along.

Daryl steps back from the map still eyeing it, "This little pain in the ass will be a distant memory. Good riddance." He says before sitting down on the porch bannister, facing the house.


"Carol's putting together some provisions for him, enough to last a few days" Rick continues with her thorough plan. Ah, Carol, always the one to be caring any and all people.The two momentarily turn their attention to a car with the trunk open speeding over to where we are. Shane, of course. "That thing you did last night—" Rick starts but cuts himself off, not wanting to mention was happened.

Daryl squints his eyes against the sun, "Ain't no reason you should do all the heavy lifting."

The car comes to an aggressive halt, the trunk still open for whatever reason. Rick and Daryl watch the car, knowing fully well that something bad is gonna happen when it concerns Shane. "So are you good with all this?" Rick asks for assurance. The car door opens, myself not letting my eyes leave Shane as he gets out. Daryl picks up the map to fiddle with it out of boredom I assume.

"I don't see you and I trading haymakers on the side of the road. Nobody'd win that fight." Daryl says, though I don't fully understand what the hell that meant. Shane closes the door and stalks over to us three. Daryl throws down the map onto the bannister before standing up, "I'm gonna take a piss." He announces before hurriedly leaving the Rick and Shane mess behind.

Do I follow him..? He said he's taking a piss and that'd be weird if I followed him, but I know he only said that to avoid Shane but does Rick know that?

I follow him anyways. This is fuckin' weird.

I sit in the back of an old blue truck, Daryl's crossbow beside me. We were preparing to let Randall loose but the choose of vehicles is utterly terrible. Are they gonna have him ride in between Rick and Daryl? Or are they gonna throw him in the back with me, where he can easily just hop out and hope to live?

Daryl and T-Dog are finished with loading up the truck. T-Dog hands Daryl a gun, "Is that Dale's gun?"

This turns T-Dog's mood instantly sour, "Yeah." He walks over to the end of the truck and closes the tailgate with me inside of it, but I can easily get out because.. well it's an open bed truck.

"Wish I knew where the hell mine is." He says putting Dale's gun into the waistband of his jeans.

I watch as Rick walks up behind them, "Ready?"

Daryl mutters a "Yeah."

T-Dog smacks the end of the truck, "I'll get the package." I snort. 'The package'? A goofy smile spreads on my face at this. But not only this, we'll be leaving the farm. Yeah, there is plenty of land to explore but after awhile it's nice to have a change of scenery.

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