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Seven's POV

The sun was setting while I waited outside. There was definitely arguing going on inside but I didn't really care, instead I just surveyed the field for any potential threat. Dale storms out first, disheveled and teary eyed. Next comes Daryl followed by everyone else, the same grim faces on each one. Minus Carl who I assume wasn't allowed to listen, he just seemed confused.

Night had fallen, Rick, Shane, Daryl and I escort Randal to the barn that once was filled with walking corpses. Daryl kept a firm grip on the back of the kid's shirt while I walked beside him warily. While being escorted Randal was panicking and pleading, unsure of where and why he was being moved.

We move inside the barn, leaving the door open for whatever reason. Shoulda closed it. Shane puts a blindfold on Randal who is beginning to get the idea of what is happening, "This will all be over soon." Shane says while shushing him. The kid only panicked even more than before. Yeah, that really didn't help, dipshit.

Everyone stands about a yard or two away from the kid in a sort of triangle, myself being right beside Daryl. "Would you like to stand or kneel?" Rick asks, keeping his voice even.

In response the kid only cries more, "Oh no, please." Before he can cry anymore, Daryl steps forward and kicks the back of his knee and forces him into his knees. I stand back and watch.

"Do you have any final words?" Rick asks, while still trying to keep his voice even. The kid only sobs in return while pleading for his life. I actually felt bad, I think even Daryl felt bad for the kid though I may be wrong. This is wrong. A short whine emits from my throat making Rick glances to me and then Daryl, to which Daryl nudges me, meaning 'shut up.'

Rick aims his revolver to the sobbing kid, and pulls back the hammer. "Do it, Dad." I whip around as fast as I can to see Carl standing by the open barn door. Oh shit. "Do it" He says with a nod, his eyes trained on Rick and Randal. Told ya, shoulda closed it.

Shane walks over to Carl "Are you kidding me? What did I say to you?" He grabs Carl by the arm, instantly making me become defensive of the kid, whether he did something wrong or not.

I turn back to Rick and see he's struggling to do the deed now. His eyes water because he clicks the hammer back into place and lowers the gun. "Take him away. Take him away." His voice his slightly broken, like he's gonna cry.

Daryl looks at the kid and grabs him by the back of his shirt again, "Get up." Shame angrily shoves the barn door while Daryl pushes and shoves the kid back to the direction of the shed.

Daryl seemed upset or angry. I don't know if it was because Rick didn't execute Randal or because this problem still isn't solved, maybe both.

Daryl places a lantern on the table beside where he was going to tie up Randal. Atherton entire time the kid seemed gleeful but still terrified. Happy because he wasn't just executed and terrified for obvious reasons. Daryl ties Randal to the ceiling not talking to the kid at all unless it was for him to shut up. The kid didn't listen so, Daryl gagged him.

Almost as soon as we were done, we both heard the shouts of somebody, a person. I take off immediately towards the source of the yells and cries. Sticking out of the field I could see a walker, hunched over, assuming it was a person I picked up my speed. I zero in on the walker, everything around me blurring with my speed. I tackle the walker and and sink my teeth into its head, quickly turning around to check on the person. It was Dale.

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogWhere stories live. Discover now