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Alexandrea smiled as she seen her sister walking towards the uber she just took

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Alexandrea smiled as she seen her sister walking towards the uber she just took. "I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH DREA!"Azzi shouted as she pulled Alexandrea into a bone crushing hug. "I've missed you more baby sister."Alexandrea pulled away from Azzi before quickly wiping the tears that were starting to fall. This was the first time in 4 years they'd seen each other in person and not over FaceTime. "Stop don't cry, you're gonna make me cry!"Azzi's voice wavered as she reached up as she wiped her sister's tears.

The uber driver so rudely honked his horn interrupting the two girls cute interaction. Alexandrea rolled her eyes before walking around to the back of the car, making sure to hit it hard so the driver can open it. "Need help?"Azzi asked as she walked around to the back. "Yes please."Alexandrea said pulling out 1 of her 4 suitcases out the trunk. "Is this really all of your stuff?"Alexandrea closed the trunk as soon as Azzi grabbed the last suitcase.

The driver sped off making Alexandrea roll her eyes. "Asshole"Alexandrea muttered as the began making their way to Azzi's dorm. "Sadly yes, I can always buy stuff down here"Alexandrea shrugged as she and Azzi made their way onto the elevator. Azzi hit the 2nd floor button. "You excited to be roomies?"Azzi giddily asked smiling smugly at her older sister. "Yuck, no!"Alexandrea jokingly respond as the elevator came to a complete stop.

"Beware, I have 3 other roommates, of course you know Paige, but theirs Nika who's quiet for the most part, that is until she gets comfortable around you and Kk, who's hyper as hell."Azzi explained as they stepped off the elevator and made their way to Azzi's room. "And before you complain, just don't complain. You're lucky I stuck my neck out for you! I almost got my coach in so much trouble."Azzi huffed. Once they made it to Azzi's dorm, Azzi repeatedly started beating in the door until someone answered.

"Azzi, quit fucking beating on doors!"the door swung open and there stood a girl Alexandrea thought was beautiful. "Who pissed you off today?"Azzi jokingly responded before walking into the dorm room with her sister trailing behind her. "P! DREA'S HERE!"Azzi shouted as she left Alexandra's bag in the middle of the walkway. A bunch of footsteps could be heard before Alexandrea was tackled to the ground.

Alexandrea laughed before looking down at the blonde who was currently squeezing the life out of her. "I've missed you too P."Alexandrea smiled before Paige got up, also pulling up Alexandrea Alexandrea looked to the right of Paige seeing a darker girl standing there with a smile. "It's been so longgggg"Paige dramatically sighed while throwing her head back. "I knowwww"Alexandrea matched her energy making Paige laugh. "Introduction time!"Paige clapped before walking over to both of the unknown girls and pulling them in by the shoulder.

"Alexandrea, this is Nika! Nika, this is Alexandrea!"Paige introduced the girl who opened the door earlier to Alexandrea. Alexandrea took this time to carefully study Nika. She had on a cream 'ESSENTIALS' with a pair of black basketball shorts and her hair was down. The hoodie complimented her skin so well, Alexandrea looked up at Nika's face before snapping back to reality when she realized Nika was staring back.

"And this is Kk! Kk, this is Alexandrea!"Paige excitedly said as she introduced the darker girl. Alexandrea lifted her hand before waving at the two girls. "Okay so here's how rooming is going, Kk is moving into the room with 3 of our other friends since they have an extra bed and Kk hates us."Azzi started, Kk rolled her eyes at Azzi's statement. "Girl boo, I said I don't wanna be in here while it's so cramped."Kk said before walking away and into a random room.

"Anyways, you'll share a room with Nika because you know..."Azzi trailed off making Nika, Paige, and Alexandrea laugh. "Yea, I KNOW"Alexandrea teased watching her sisters face flush red. "Assholes."Azzi mumbled before walking away.

yanis corner
sister like sister.

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