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"I literally don't fucking understand Alexandrea!"Nika shouted

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"I literally don't fucking understand Alexandrea!"Nika shouted. Alexandrea scoffed before shaking her head. "What don't you understand? Nothing I said was in a different language."Alexandrea smartly replied. "I just watched your stupid ass text another female bro!"Nika shouted again before walking towards Alexandrea. "She's literally my friend? What the fuck are you being so insecure for? And even if she wasn't, we're not even dating."Alexandrea shouted back.

Nika nodded her head before grabbing her phone and wallet. "You got it."Nika chuckled. She tried walking to the door but Alexandrea got in front of her. "Where are you going?"Alexandrea sighed. "Away from you before I fucking slap you!"Nika said before pushing Alexandrea out the way. "You're always running away from your problems, like this the shit I be talking about. You never want to talk shit out, you be quick to run to Paige or Ines about stuff and not me."Alexandrea scoffed.

"Because they actually listen to what I say."Nika said back. "I do too!"Alexandrea shouted. "No the fuck you don't! You don't fucking listen to anything I say!"just then the door opened and Azzi walked staring at the two. "What's going on?"Azzi asked before closing the door behind her. "I'm about to put my hands on your sister if she doesn't get out of my face!"Nika huffed. "So do it Nika, you all big and bad put your hands on me!"Alexandrea shouted getting in Nika's face.

"Fucking move, Alexandrea!"Nika shouted back pushing Alexandrea back. Alexandrea chuckled before walking back to her bed and grabbing her keys, wallet and phone. "Where are you going Drea?"Azzi softly asked, stepping in front of Alexandrea. "I'll be back before tonight."was all Alexandrea said before moving Azzi to the side and walking out the door. Azzi sighed and looked at Nika who had tears running down her face while cradling her arm.

"What happened Nika?"Azzi asked as she grabbed Nika's right hand and they both went to sit on Nika's bed. Nika took a deep breath before wiping her face but the tears kept coming. "We were laying down watching Tiktok on her phone and all of a sudden a girl named Carlie with a red heart next to her name pops up."Nika started. Azzi shook her head as a way to tell Nika to continue. "She texted her back and the messages from before were them flirting and apparently they had been FaceTiming while I've been asleep which is insane to me because I sleep with Alexandrea."Nika chuckled.

"Which means the girl knows about me but doesn't seem to care."Nika shrugged while looking down. "I'm sorry, Nika. If I could tell you who she was I would but Drea is so closed off about her relationships."Azzi rubbed Nika's back as she watched the tears stream down Nika's face. "Did I overreact? What if she is a friend and Alexandrea was telling the truth?"Nika continued ramble on. "You didn't react enough in my opinion."Azzi chuckled making Nika chuckle as well.

"I know if it was me and Paige in this situation I would've knocked her head clean off of her shoulders."Azzi continued while laughing. Nika sniffled before laughing at Azzi's comments. "We aren't dating so I literally have no reason to act this way."Nika shrugged. "But don't you think she owes you some type of loyalty? She's literally been treating like a girlfriend Nika."Azzi said. Nika nodded taking in everything Azzi said. Azzi was right. Nika had every reason to react the way she did.

"What do I do?"Nika asked looking up at Azzi. "Let everything smooth out before talking to her, I'm not saying completely avoid her, but let the situation go down because I don't want to walk in on you two almost killing each other again."Azzi laughed again. Nika nodded her head before thanking Azzi. "You're like family Niks, whether it's through basketball or Alexandrea."Azzi smiled before hugging Nika.

yanni's thoughts...
the calm before the storm.

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