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The girls had their 3rd game today and Alexandrea wanted to be in attendance since she couldn't make the last two

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The girls had their 3rd game today and Alexandrea wanted to be in attendance since she couldn't make the last two. When she got to the stadium she walked to her seat which was 4 rows behind UCONN'S bench. Once she sat down she looked at the court searching for Nika and Azzi who were both currently talking to Paige. She smiled pulling out her phone and snapping a quick picture of them before putting her phone back in her hoodie pocket.

Soon the game started and Nika, Aaliyah, Kk, Ashlynn, and Paige were the starting line up. The first, second and third quarters went by quick. The fourth quarter is where everything went down hill. Nika began heavily guarding her defender, however her defender started to get annoyed and Nika seen this as a chance to steal the ball. As she was going in for her layup her defender caught up with her and purposely stuck her foot out making Nika fall straight on her arm.

The whole stadium went quiet when Nika fell to the ground. Paige and Kk were quick to be by her side. Alexandrea stood up in her chair, worried because Nika had been on the ground for so long. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in when she seen Nika get up but her face was red and drenched in tears. Kk and Paige were on either sides of Nika while Nika babied her left arm. They walked her over to the bench until Geno told them to get back on the court. Soon the trainers came and took Nika to the back rooms.

Soon the game was over so Alexandrea was looking for Azzi to congratulate her on her win. Once they found each other they smiled and hugged each other. "You did so good today Zi"Azzi pulled away and stuck her tongue out at Alexandrea. "Did you just compliment me?"Azzi teased making Alexandrea roll her eyes. "Where's Nika?"Alexandrea asked. "Come."Azzi said and they began making their way to the locker room. Alexandrea watched as all the girls began piling out, each one of them saying hi to her as they walked out.

She stood outside and waited for Azzi and Nika because she didn't feel comfortable going inside. Eventually Paige walked out with Azzi and Nika behind her, Azzi had on Nika's basketball bag. Alexandrea looked over at Nika who was looking down and frowning at the arm brace on her arm. "She's in a mood, the trainers want us to take her to the hospital."Azzi said as she handed Alexandrea Nika's bag. Alexandrea looked over at Nika again who was already looking at her with tears in her eyes.

Alexandrea frowned before putting Nika's bag on and then walking up to Nika hug her, making sure to be careful of her arm. "My baby."Alexandrea mumbled when Nika began crying into her hoodie. She started rubbing Nika's back up and down while laying her chin on top of Nika's hair. "We'll meet yall in the car."Azzi quietly said and her and Paige walked away. "You're okay mama."Alexandrea whispered as she pulled away and grabbed Nika's face with both of her hands.

She frowned harder when she seen Nika's mascara all smudged in. "We'll go to the hospital and then go get you some ice cream and go back to the dorms and you can talk to me all you want, okay?"Alexandrea said. She used her thumbs to wipe underneath Nika's eyes. Nika nodded her head before they walked off hand in hand.

yanni's thoughts...
poor nikapooh

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