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"Move your big ass head out the way."Alexandrea groaned pushing Nika's head to the side. Nika looked up at Alexandrea before flicking her off and putting her head back where it was the first time. "I'm trying to watch too."Alexandrea whined. Nika rolled her eyes before moving off of Alexandrea's chest and facing the other way with her back towards Alexandrea. Alexandrea huffed before she grabbed Nika's waist and put her back in her position from before.

She shook her head when she realized Nika was smiling. "Just spoiled."Alexandrea mumbled before getting back on Tiktok. They spent 20 minutes scrolling through Tiktok before Alexandrea's phone rung. She huffed when she looked at the caller ID before answering. "What do you want Kylin?"she put the phone to her ear. "Open your door!"Kylin yelled before hanging up. "How you find my room number?"Alexandrea asked, tapping Nika's thigh signaling for her to move.

Alexandrea crawled over Nika and walked to the front door. Once she opened the door she seen Kylin, Mariah, and Tyler all staring at her with smiles on their faces. "What do yall want?"Alexandrea playfully groaned while shaking her head. "NIKAAAA"Mariah pushed past Alexandrea before walking in. Footsteps were heard before Mariah was tackled to the ground. Alexandra huffed before Tyler and Kylin walked in and she closed the door.

She walked over to Nika picking her up knowing Nika couldn't get up herself with only one arm. Nika turned around and smiled and Alexandrea once her feet hit the ground and looked back at Mariah. "Hi sexy lady"Nika winked. Mariah winked back before walking towards Alexandrea and hitting the back of her head. "What's up long head."Mariah cheesed making Alexandrea roll her eyes.

"Damn I can't get a hey or nothing?"Kylin rolled his eyes. "You always rolling your eyes, sassy ass."Alexandrea pointed out before walking towards her and Nika's bedroom. "You talking?!"Mariah semi-shouted before following behind her. Nika laughed and waved at Kylin and Tyler before walking towards the coffee table and grabbing the remote. She handed it to Kylin before he and Tyler sat on the couch. "If yall need anything feel free to get something out the kitchen, and the restroom down the hall."Nika smiled before walking off into the room.

When she walked in she seen Mariah had Alexandrea in a headlock while Alexandrea was cursing her out. "Help me Nika!"Alexandrea shouted. "I can't, i'm handicap remember?"Nika chuckled before walking over to Alexandrea's bed and flopping down. "Get the hell out my bed then"Alexandrea scoffed before Mariah hit her forehead. "Stop talking to my baby like that."Mariah rolled her eyes before letting Alexandrea go.

"You and "your baby" can go. Take her to whatever hotel yall staying at!"Alexandrea huffed before walking towards Nika and pushing her to the other side of the bed and getting in. "Don't push me, stupid."Nika hit Alexandrea's chest before sitting up and putting her back against the headboard. Mariah smiled and walked over to Nika's bed and sat down, looking at the two girls. "So what's been going on, update me!"Mariah said.

"The same old same old. Still walking around with this big ass brace."Nika shrugged lifting her injured arm up a bit. "Do you know when you get it off?"Mariah asked, looking at Nika's brace. "I still have 5 weeks left."Nika huffed looking down and playing with her fingers. Alexandrea looked at Nika before looking at Mariah signaling her to hush. Alexandrea knew Nika's injury was still a sensitive subject to her, Mariah didn't know though so she couldn't be mad at Mariah.

Alexandrea sat up before pulling Nika into her side and rubbing her back. "You okay?"Alexandrea whispered before kissing Nika's forehead. "No, yea Im okay."Nika gave Alexandrea a fake smile before looking up at her. Alexandrea nodded her head before letting Nika go. Nika sat back up against the headboard before Alexandrea put her on her lap. Nika shook her head before playing in Alexandrea's hair. Mariah smiled at the two before taking a picture.

yanni's thoughts...
they're so cuteeeeeeee

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