Chapter 2

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I woke to a phone call from Steve. "Hey man, you busy?" he asked.

"You know I'm not," I answered blankly. "I never am." every since Y/n disappeared the house felt very empty and lonely. I spent so long trying to get through to her but after five painfully long year's I have nothing.

"Well, Tony has a meeting for all of us today. He told me to be sure to pick you up," he told me. "So be ready I'm on my way."

I quickly got up and dressed. It only took a few minutes for Steve to arrive, I got in his car. I sat in silence for the ride until Steve spoke up. "How have you been?" he asked.

"Fine." I blankly lied.

"Really? Because you haven't responded to me in weeks," he told me. "Have you kept trying?"

"Everyday." I sadly answered.

"Nothing?" he asked. I shook my head in response and sulked. "Well, maybe this mission will help keep your mind off of things." I shrugged and continued in silence.

We arrived at the tower and I saw a few of the avengers already sitting around the table. Steve and I sat down still leaving an empty seat next to me. The seat was originally for Thor but I knew who was supposed to be there.

"Alright, team, we need to prepare big time. There is a former Hydra scientist at large right now forming a literal army of war robots." Tony explained. "Metalman here, you can sit this one out but I have a personal mission for you and Cap. He can explain it to you in a bit."

I nodded my head. "We need everybody on board for this and prepared. He's made a pretty serious threat towards us and the government. Any question?"

"Are we recruiting anybody else then?" Natasha asked.

"Potentially," Tony answered, "Cap, Barnes, you're excused."

Steve and I stood up and I followed him up towards the launchpad. "What's our mission then?" I asked.

"We're recruiting Thor. We have to get to Asgard, we believe he was crowned the king there now," he explained. "We can assume that's why he hasn't gotten back when we've reached out to him."

"Why are we both going?" I asked. I wasn't sure about going to Asgard. I didn't want to face my greatest fear, that Y/n was gone, not even found in Asgard.

"Well, Tony said you may have a better insight of how to get there other than a jet?" Steve suggested. "A faster one that Y/n may have taught you?"

"You know for a fact that she did," I answered. "You also know that it doesn't work. I've spent years trying."

"Just, please give it a try again." he motioned his hand towards that sky as we stood on the launchpad.

I sighed "Fine. Get the jet ready just in case."

I stepped forward and looked up. I took a deep breath, "Heimdall, take me to Asgard!" I called out. I sat in silence for a moment as Steve stepped forward by me. "See, I tol-" before I could finish my sentence I saw the Bifrost surround us as we shot into the sky.

Suddenly we stepped into a golden dome, with who I assumed was Heimdall standing in the center.

"Hello, Sir," Steve greeted him. "You must be Heimdall, I'm Steve and this is-"

"Bucky. Yes, I'm very aware." Heimdall interrupted. "I've heard much about you, it's truly an honor." I nodded my head to him.

"Sir we're here to see-" again Heimdall interrupted Steve.

"The guards will escort you to the throne room. There is where you will find who you need," he told us as some guards stepped out.

We began walking and Steve leaned over to me. "I told you he's king now."

We entered the throne room. "Wait here you'll be seen shortly." a guard told us.

A few moments later we can hear a large door open and I get on one knee and bow my head. "Steve, bow." I told him. He quickly joined me.

"Alright, I heard it was urgent but please make it quick I have some important plans with-" the familiar voice paused and she dropped a journal on the floor. "Bucky?"

I looked up and to my surprise, I saw Y/n. "Y/n?" I stood up and Steve joined me.

I saw her get flustered. "I -uh I -I'm sorry why was it you came?" she asked.

I still stood in shock. "We were trying to recruit Thor" Steve answered.

"He's retired, on Midgard. He asked me not to contact him." she responded quickly as she jotted her eyes back and forth between me and Steve. I simply stared at her.

She looked over at me. "Is there something you'd like to say James?" she asked as she caught me staring.

I stepped closer, "I found you. I finally found you." I began to tear up and I noticed she was trying to not make eye contact with me. "You're as beautiful as the day I met you."

"Um right, -uh thank you." she stuttered.

Suddenly the door opened and I saw a young girl running in with a big grin and a flower in her hands, and Loki running after her. The little girl hugged Y/n.

"I'm sorry sister, " Loki panted. "I told her you were busy but she thought you'd like to see."

"Look mommy, " she held the flower up to Y/n. "Uncle Loki helped me grow a flower, just like you."

"Good job, dear." Y/n smiled. "Can you please wait outside for me, I'm almost done here."

"Okay, don't forget we're gardening today!" the little girl announced as she ran off. My heart jumped. Y/n had a daughter now, her own family.

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