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Lisa must have had a large amount of alcohol in the pub. Her legs were shaking while she was walking to the parking area. Somehow she dug her hands in her suit pocket and got the car keys out. She sat in her car and instead of driving back to her home, she drove to her company's office. It was past two in the morning and going back to the Manoban mansion filled her with a feeling of loath.

The office building was dark with just a few alley lights on. There were twenty-three floors in the building, and her office was on the topmost floor. She had recently got a lounge build next to her room. Being a CEO of LM Corporation, a multi-billion software development company, gave Lisa the luxury to build a mini home adjacent to her office.

She entered the elevator and pressed the button to the topmost floor. As soon as she entered the office her gaze fell on someone. She was focusing on her computer, writing some code. Although the entire office was dimly lit only her table was flooded with light. Lisa looked at her small, beautiful face with flawless, porcelain like skin; that looked tired now. As always Lisa was drawn to that person pert and beautiful youth. Like a fool Lisa allowed herself to be so quickly allured by her charm. The CEO was inhibited when she was sober but tonight her reticence had taken a back seat.

Lisa walked towards that person's table and pulled her out of the chair dragging her towards the lounge. "Again? How dare you stay back so late? Are you trying to seduce me?"

Though Lisa wanted to throw her out of the office, instead hauled the beautiful towards her room. She winced in pain and struggled to get free, but couldn't because Lisa's grip was too tight to escape. "Ma'am, I was only writing a code. I didn't know you would come back..." Lisa's expression dropped further, and in a fit of rage Lisa picked her from the waist, threw that beauty on her left shoulder and lugged her to the room.

Reaching the room, she kicked the door with a loud bang and locked it. Rudely, Lisa threw her on her bed and forced herself on her. By that time, the beauty was trembling with fear, but Lisa didn't care. Lisa wanted to keep squeezing her, caging her, and control her to the fullest.

She tried hard to free herself from the unwanted hold, but all she could do was to sob and beg Lisa to release her. She begged her, "Please I didn't mean to offend you. I will leave. Let me go... I will never show you my face..."

Lisa wasn't listening to her plea. Instead Lisa held her jaws with one hand in a vise like grip. She could feel Lisa's rough kisses on her lips. Lisa bit her lips and then pushed her tongue inside. She sucked it hard until she was breathless. She felt blood flowing inside her mouth. Lisa was ravaging her mouth. Lisa didn't notice her wet eyelashes, her tears and her pale face. She had locked her down. Lisa moved her mouth to her neck and collarbone and kissed her roughly over there almost biting into her flesh.

"Stop it!" she said. "I am not liking it."

Lisa looked at her face that was white. She felt so disgusted with what Lisa had done to her that Lisa said, "Why are you doing this to me? Huh? I cannot imagine anyone else other than you. I have tried my best to ask you about it but you choose to remain silent. So tell me!"

The beautiful one had an answer but couldn't answer. There was something that forbade her.

Her body was sore and face was white as a ghost. Her clothes were all ruffled. She tried to get up but was pinned down by Lisa's arm. She couldn't get free from Lisa's embrace. She kept crying silently, not able to undergo the mental torture they had been from so many days. Being too exhausted mentally and physically finally Bae Irene also drifted into a troubled sleep.

"Get out and think of this as your repayment!" with that Lisa closed the door with a loud thud. Lisa was appalled by her behavior. Lisa was appalled by the fact that she didn't tell her what was going wrong with their relationship. Howsoever Lisa tried, in these months of staying apart, she couldn't come to know anything.


Inside, Lisa sunk to the carpeted floor and held her head in her hands. Even though her temples were throbbing with pain and she could barely manage herself, she couldn't help feeling disgusted. She remembered only a few flashes from the previous night.

Lisa's heard her fading footsteps that sounded down on the office floor. She kept calling Irene's name in her heart frantically.

She didn't know for how long she sat there but all the while Lisa kept thinking of Irene. In time she could sense a frenzy of activities outside, in the office as employees had started pouring in. Lisa looked at the clock and saw that it was already nine in the morning. Her headache had worsened, so she decided not to go to the office. She got out from her reverie and informed her secretary to cancel the morning meetings and clear her schedule.

She managed to move to her bedside drawer and pulled out a medicine to eat. Once again she slumped on the bed and went off to sleep. She woke up late in the afternoon realizing that it was past one. She headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower and came to the walk-in closet. After changing into a white shirt, a navy blue pant with a matching tie, she quickly fixed her hair before combing them. She chose a Rolex out of her collection of watches and wore a pair of black Luis Vuitton shoes before stepping into her office.

As soon as her secretary, Jennie saw her, she got up from her table and came to her office trotting on her high heels. "Good morning Sajangnim!" She presented her daily schedule on a tablet. A woman in her mid twenties, Jennie Kim gasped a little, as she was stunned by the way her boss looked today. Perfectly drop-dead gorgeous features, she looked aristocratic. At more than six feet, Lisa's statuesque features emitted a commanding aura. She was awed. And Lisa was unaffected...

Jennie had a secret crush on her but was very scared of Lisa at the same time. She wondered whether she idolized her or romanticized her... It had been over three years since she came to this company as her secretary. Her feeling was intense for Lisa earlier, but with passing time they began to simmer down. She could never gather courage to see her in a romantic way.

But one look from her, and she would blush incessantly! She would try to look her best in Lisa's presence. She felt nervous around her. Jennie knew Lisa was temperamental... and incidentally today her radiating antagonism hung thickly in the air... Lisa's face was thinner, her eyes shadowed. Jennie cringed a bit. She wanted to flee from there!


Lisa saw her schedule. There were three meetings back to back from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. She knew that Irene had to be present in the last meeting as she was heading the project. Lisa didn't know whether she was ready to face Irene or not...

Jennie brought her coffee along with her breakfast. She was instructed to serve Lisa's breakfast, as The CEO was practically living in the office. Jennie stood in front of Lisa's table for some time before saying, "Miss Irene won't be able to come to the office today since she had to go to visit her aunt urgently."

Lisa did not reply while maintaining a steely expression. She looked at her tablet intently blocking out Jennie. Lisa started shuffling pages on it stopping at various points to show she was busy reading the details.

"Sajangnim, Ms. Irene is an excellent coder. Kindly allow her one-day leave. I know that she is required for the last meeting but she wouldn't have been absent from the job had it not been urgent." Before Jennie could continue further, Lisa cut her off and said coldly, "Ask her to be present for the meeting or even you can visit her aunt along with her."

Jennie silenced immediately and lowered her eyes. She wanted to go out of the room, away from this demon, but she had her duties to perform. She apologized "Yes, sajangnim," and carried on to explain her all other tasks that needed Lisa's attention. She finished and hurried out of the office.

Bae Irene was like a big sister to Jennie. Jennie liked her because she wasn't pretentious like many other girls in the office. She was simple and laborious. She never backed out from a job that was given to her. Irene was abandoned by her family, a fact only Jennie knew. This was enough for the softhearted Jennie to help Irene whenever required.

Once Jennie had left her office, the silence overpowered the atmosphere. The sunshine was streaming in through the closed glass window. Lisa kept the tablet on the table and looked outside with a pensive mood. The city beneath her was busy with the daily humdrum of life.

'Miss Irene won't be able to come to the office today since she had to go to visit her aunt urgently.'

Lisa knew that there was no aunt... Irene was making up an excuse to not see her. Lisa was well aware of the fact that her family had abandoned her and Jennie was her best friend. Irene had nowhere to go.

So how did they become nemesis of each other? Lisa lit a cigarette and took a large puff.

She picked up her phone to call her but she decided against it. She started moving her fingers lightly on the edge of the phone, and opened it to see the wallpaper, which was her sitting on a hospital bench, grinning from ear to ear. She lightly stroked the photo and looked outside.

"Lisa-yah, where have you been? Come home and we will have dinner together today. Your father and I are so worried about you! You must show your face to us at least once in a day. However you choose to ignore us and don't visit us for weeks. How long will you be like this?" Her mother complained on the phone.

"Hmm... I'll come today in the evening for dinner," she replied nonchalantly. This was the only way for Lisa to get them off her back. She was tired of their constant nagging and pestering her to get married to a suitable girl partner.

So she reluctantly agreed...

Rest of the day went hectically in the usual manner. She didn't get time to think about her previous night's predicaments.

In the evening, she came out of her office to attend the last meeting of the day, which Irene was supposed to join. She went to the meeting room and saw that all the employees working on that project had arrived. Lisa took a quick glance at everyone hoping to find her...but...she wasn't there. Her absence felt like sharp knives hurting her heart. She suppressed her emotions deep down and looked passive and controlled outwards to concentrate on the presentations.


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