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Jackson brought the beautiful jewelry box with him to the office. When he entered his room, to his surprise he found Mina sitting in his room. Ignoring her, he went to sit on his chair. He didn't even want to acknowledge her presence. It was as though hundreds of years of frost had accumulated over him.

She didn't know how to continue as the icy atmosphere in the room was stifling. Every time he met her, he distanced himself further away from her. She was flustered and pained. 'Why isn't he paying attention to me? We started so greatly yet what have I done to make him mad?'

"Jackson..." she said suppressing her dejection. "About the invite to my party..."

"I won't be able to attend, as I am too busy this month," he curtly interrupted, wasting no time to brush her away..

"Oh, okay... I was planning to throw the party next month after I finish my job of installing mural paintings in your hotel," she said. "Actually I came here to look for you..."

He cut her shortly, much more impatient than a while ago, "Don't you know that these are office hours? Sorry, but I am quite busy now." Saying the end of his part, Jackson took the jewelry box out of the bag and kept it in his office drawer.

Stubbornly she probed, "Uhhh... Is that jewelry for me?" she tried to joke to alleviate the mood of the room.

He gave her an ugly stare and said, "Mina, I don't have time. Please leave."

Mina was dumbstruck! She stood up catching the sight of Jackson's glare. "I just came casually to chat with you, dear..."

Hearing the endearment rolling out of Mina's mouth had stifled his anger. She felt bitter. Knowing that she had angered Jackson, she excused herself.

As she left his office, she wondered 'Jewelry? Did he meet someone? What was the jewelry for? Has he forgotten me? If that's the case, I have to stop him. Jackson cannot stop me! I will make sure that you will love me!'

She decided to pay a visit on the weekend when he would be at home with his family.

She drove to his bungalow on Saturday afternoon at one when the heat was at its optimum state, hoping to meet him along with his family in order to formally introduce herself. When she was about fifty meters from his house, she saw that Jackson was about to leave. Instead of going to his house, she started following him. She tailed him as he left his house all the way to another location.

After following him for about 45 minutes, she saw him turn to enter Kang-Dong Hospital. He entered the parking area of the hospital and came out of the car, walking merrily towards the outpatient department. Mina had waited for him to leave the parking area, parked her car, and hurriedly followed him inside. She was surprised that Jackson had come to a hospital just to have lunch. It was quite weird but he seemed to be waiting for someone.

She kept her distance. 'This is Kang-Dong Hospital. But this is where patients with psychiatric problems come. What is Jackson doing here?' Her thoughts were going wild!

Twenty minutes later, a nurse joined him. Mina was sitting very far from them so it was impossible to hear their conversation. 'Is Jackson a patient here?'

There was a flurry of activity in the cafeteria while she tailed Jackson to the hospital. It was easy for her to maintain her distance without the fear of being discovered. She joined the line at the counter to pick a lunch tray and went to sit on a table that was just a little further from Jackson's. She sat with her back facing them. She hoped to hear the conversation but there was so much noise in the cafeteria that she could hardly make out what they were saying.

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