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On her way to the office, Lisa called her mother. Her mom picked up on the first ring.

"Do you realize how many times I have called you?" she shouted even before she could say 'hello'.

"I am sorry mother. I couldn't find time."

"Do you honestly believe that you are giving me a good excuse?"

"No, but that is what has really happened."

Lisa felt like a teenager who was being chided by her mother.

"How many times do I have to call you for you to talk to me? Will you ignore your mother to this level? Have you no shame left?" She was boiling with anger.

"You are right. I am sorry," she replied passively.

"Has that girl done witchcraft on you? Is she a witch? Are you so much under her spell that you decide to cut off the ties with your parents?"

"Really mom. You want to go down that road. Because I am ready to fight for her!"

"Aigoo! This brazen girl! How dare you talk to your mother like that? And that too for a vamp like her? I am telling you Lisa, she is going to attract only misfortune!"

Lisa disconnected the call. She was in no mood to talk to her mother any further. She didn't care whether she liked Irene or not.

Her anxieties returned. She dialed Irene's number.
"Did you forget something at home?" she asked.

"No, I miss you already," she replied affectionately.

"Hmmm... should I come to the office?" she teased her.

"You are not allowed," Lisa said with a smile.

"Then how will you spend your day without me?"

"I'll come home as soon as I find time. And please don't get out of the building today. There are hundreds of reporters ready to pounce on you the minute you show up," she commanded.

"Yes sir!" she replied lazily with a salute.

"Now go back to sleep," she said with a smile and disconnected.

She felt better, ready for the world.

Back in the office her schedule was filled with meetings after meetings. She forgot about the morning conversation with her mother. Finally she became free in the afternoon. Jennie informed her that she had to take a group of managers of the LM Corporation who were posted in other countries for lunch. She wanted to avoid it but decided against it. She called Irene to inform her that she wouldn't join her for lunch. Lisa wanted to see her face so she video called her.

Irene picked the call immediately. She looked flustered.

"What happened Irene? Is everything fine?" she asked worry etched on her face.

"Yes," she nodded. "Your mother is here..." she added with a nervous smile.

"What?" she jumped from his seat.

But Irene's phone got disconnected.

Lisa sensed something would go wrong. She called her head of the security at the apartment and asked him to take care of Irene even if that meant that he entered the penthouse and stood next to her. The head of security Bae Seojun was confused about this sudden development but he didn't question his boss.


Mrs. Manoban threw Irene's phone and its screen cracked on impact with the floor. Irene was terrified. As she got up to pick it off the floor, the bodyguard standing behind her grasped her by the shoulders and pinned her to the sofa. Irene became angry and lashed at Mrs. Manoban, "Stop being insane! Lisa and I are together, and no one can separate us!"

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