chapter nineteen

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A/n: sorry that it took me so long to update... Had a bit of writer's block after my exams. But here's chapter nineteen, enjoy! It's 850+ words

Once Peter was upstairs with Ziggy, the common room was quiet once again.

"Is that what you want to do to my innocent little brother, Potter?" Sirius asked. He looked and sounded rather calm again. But this time James could very clearly hear the rage behind his words. It made it very obvious that Sirius was the heir to blood purists. How he looked so collected, no matter what horrid insult James may throw at him. The way he'd chose his words so quick yet very careful, knowing full well the exact impact they'd have on the person he's speaking to. Regulus did it as well when he's talking to someone he doesn't trust.

"Sirius no, I-" James started. But he was cut off rudely by Sirius.

"Hands off my brother, Potter." James hesitantly let go of Regulus' hand, only to find Regulus grabbing it again.

"SIRIUS!" both Regulus and Remus shouted.

"I'm no little innocent baby anymore, Sirius. As much as you'd like me to stay that way, that's no longer the case. I get that you might be uncomfortable with the idea of James and me, but how do you think why felt when you and Remus forgot a silencing charm last week?" Regulus said. He was speaking with his Black technique again. James, Peter and Regulus had agreed to not tell Remus and Sirius about last weeks incident, but James had to admit that it was a good bomb to drop right now.

"I- I- I'm sorry, but..." Sirius started. He was clearly taken aback by Regulus' reveal. He never finished his sentence, as Remus also had something to say.

"Regulus is right Sirius, you can't treat him like an eleven-year-old forever. People grow up. He's sixteen. He's going to graduate next year as well." Remus said. "Please believe me when I say that you could not wish for a better partner for your brother. James treats Regulus better than I treat you."

"How- how would you know?" Sirius asked furiously. His eyes widened in realisation. "YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL YOUR OWN. FUCKING. BOYFRIEND! HOW COULD YOU! No secrets? Remember? I thought we agreed on that? You fucking wanker! Go fuck yourself next fucking time!" Sirius had jumped up and ran out of the common room. Everyone in the common room was now straight up listening and starting at the marauders. They were all mumbling softly, and sometimes even placing bets on how long it would take for Wolfstar, as they called the relationship between Remus and Sirius for whatever reason, to get back together. Regulus started hugging James tightly, still holding his hand.


James and Regulus went to bed early that day. They were both still awake in each other's arms when Sirius and Remus entered the room.

"Sirius please, how would you have felt if Lily had told James and Peter about our Relationship? I wanted to tell you, but it wasn't my place to do so."

"Lily wasn't James' nor Peter's boyfriend. You, you were my boyfriend and you still didn't fucking say anything. Not even a hint."

James' eyes widened when Sirius used the past tense. Apparently, Regulus had noticed too because he whispered: "do you think they broke up?"

"No, I dont. Sirius loves Remus more than anything in the world. Even if they broke up, it would not take long for them to get back together." James whispered back. Sirius and Remus continued fighting, seemingly oblivious to James and Regulus.

"Is Sirius right? In a way?" Regulus asked when he thought Sirius and Remus were sleeping. "About doing those things?"

"Do you want to do those things?" James answered with a question.

"Not... Really?"

"Then we definitely shouldn't, and won't do those things."

"But if you want then-"

"Then I wait until you want that as well."

"But what if I'll never want that?"

"Then we'll never do that," James said. "I love you, and you not wanting to do those things doesn't change that. Those things are not the most important part of a relationship."

Regulus nodded and snuggled closer to James. Sirius couldn't see that last bit, of course. There were two curtains in between them. And it was dark. He had been laying in his bed, unable to sleep as he wasn't used to not having Remus next to him. He hadn't meant to listen to their conversation, it just sort of happened on accident. He felt guilty because Remus was right. Sirius couldn't think of anyone better for his brother. He climbed out of his bed and walked towards Remus' bed. He opened the curtains to see Remus was still awake as well.

"Come to say sorry?" Remus asked with a 'told you so'-smile Sirius just nodded and snuggled close to him.

"I love you" was the last thing he whispered before he fell asleep.

So I sort of feel like this is a good end, but idk if I should do an epilogue. So? Epilogue or not?

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