chapter eleven

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Regulus leaned in a little closer. James' heart started racing, he moved his hand to Regulus' cheek, and Regulus leaned into his touch. James leaned in closer, and finally, finally, their lips touched. Regulus' fingers ran through James' hair, and James softly moaned. Way too soon, their lips separated again. James blushed, and looked at his feet.

"I'm sorry," Regulus said, and he ran away, out of the room. James wanted to follow him but didn't dare to. He was scared, what if Regulus didn't even like him? They should've just left. Who cares about those stupid mistletoe's either way. It's just a fucking plant!

James broke down and cried himself to sleep in the Room Of Requirement.


"Prongs?" A soft voice called. James woke up slowly. His face was covered in dry tears and his back hurt from sleeping on the hard floor. He looked up to see Remus. "What happened?" Moony asked. He looked concerned. James looked behind him. "Sirius isn't here. I'm alone."

"I- Regulus and I, t-there was a mistletoe." James stammered. "We kissed, Remus. We kissed. And then he ran away. I don't know what to do, Remus. I kissed my best friends brother! And Regulus, he, he probably hates me!"

Remus smiled slightly. "Funny how Regulus was absolutely convinced you hated him too." He said. "He's in the library. He had to hand in Hogwarts; A History." Remus said, clearly wanting for James to go and find him.

So James did. Well, he gave himself a 15-minute pep-talk first because, stress. But eventually, he walked to the library, which Regulus was just leaving. James ran into him because he hadn't realized Regulus had better things to do than read in a school library, for example, read in his private dorm.

"Oh, hi, James," Regulus mumbled. He started picking up his books to hide the blush spreading over his cheeks. James helped him and handed him the books awkwardly.

"Hey, Regulus. We need to talk, about last night." James said, scratching the back of his neck. Regulus sighed, but nodded. James lead them to an empty classroom. Seriously you'd think they'd put these to better use. There were like always 50 empty classrooms in Hogwarts, it's crazy.

"Regulus, I'm sorry about last night." James started. Regulus looked at the floor, holding his books for dear life. "I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm sorry if you felt pressured to kiss me just because of a bunch of twigs and leaves."

"I didn't feel pressured," Regulus said. He looked scared. James inhaled, and Regulus flinched. James looked at the little boy in front of him questioning but decided to not give it a second thought. James was thinking hard. This was his chance if he didn't confess his feelings now, then there was no use in pretending he ever would. Come on James! Are you a Gryffindor or what?

"It was selfish of me to kiss you. I'm sorry, Regulus." James said.

"Why would it be selfish?"

"Because, because I like you," James said. That's it. He'd fucked up. Sirius was going to murder him or let Regulus do it if he was feeling especially extra. And if he survived that, he might as well kill himself. Remus would hate him for upsetting Sirius, Peter would just do whatever the masses did, which would be hate James and abandon him. Regulus had gasped audibly when James had confessed. James thought it would be better to leave now before Regulus had truly processed what James had said.

He had only reached a few meters out of the wooden door of the classroom when he felt a hand grabbing his wrist. He spun around and felt the same soft lips of last night on his lips.


Regulus' arms were around James' neck, one of his hands was in James' hair, making it even messier than normally. James melted in the kiss.


Regulus Black was kissing him.

Regulus Arcturus Black was kissing him. Him! James Potter!

When Regulus pulled away, he smiled slightly. He looked around to be sure no one had seen them, but there was nearly no one in the giant castle, let alone the abandoned hallway they were in.

"Maybe I was a little selfish too," Regulus said, smiling softly. God, he was so cute. If James could choose any moment from his life up to now to live in forever, it would be this moment. James smiled to himself. He really wanted to ask Regulus to be his boyfriend, but he was afraid it was too early. Luckily for James, Regulus was feeling especially Gryffindor-y today. He didn't necessarily ask James to be his boyfriend, but he made it clear that he didn't want this to end here.

"Would you, erm, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I'd really like that. When are you free?" James asked.

"I'm free anytime, really."

"Wanna go flying?"

"Do you always need to show off?" Regulus asked jokingly, but 5 minutes later, they were both in the dorm. The other Marauders were there too but Remus was smart enough to ask Sirius and Peter for help so that Regulus and James could fly without anyone bothering them.

Are you done shouting at me for taking to long for a new chapter now, Gwen?!?

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