chapter twelve

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James and Regulus had been flying for quite some time when a silver wolf appeared on the pitch. "Sirius is coming," Remus' Patronus said. That was a great warning because the boys had been flying on one broom together, James holding on to Regulus from behind while Regulus was flying. James quickly hopped on his own and was only in the air for a few seconds when Sirius entered the pitch.

"Hello!" Sirius shouted from beneath them. "Wanna race?"

"FINE!" James shouted back.






"WHAT? FUCK IT I'LL JUST COME DOWN!" James shouted. He flew down, Regulus just a few metres behind him.

"Wanna race?" Sirius asked. James nodded, regulus mumbled a quick "yes." 

After 5 hours of flying, Sirius was finally out of excuses for losing the races. Those excuses went from the basics like: "you had the better wind in the start," and "the sun was in my eyes," to some truly risky ones like "I didn't want to upset my baby brother" (to which Regulus replied with a well-deserved hex) to some creatives like "you farted, which threw me off scent, so you could easily win,"

The boys went back to the Gryffindor tower while arguing over who got to shower first. When they reached the common room, Remus pointed out that there were no 1st-year or 5th-year boys, so they could use the shower in their bedroom, they wouldn't notice. Of course, they cast a cleaning charm afterwards.

Sirius vividly told the story of how he had lost so many times because James had been cheating, he had to good of a heart to not let Regulus win, and just circumstances to his boyfriend. All the while, Remus shot an I'm-sorry-about-him.-I-wish-you-had-a-longer-date-look in Regulus and James' directions. Those two did not notice, however, because they were too preoccupied with looking at each other, then Sirius, then each other, Sirius, each other, Sirius, and so on.


That Sunday, James and Regulus went "studying" while Remus took Sirius on a date. Location? Remus' bed. And Peter, you might ask? He and Ziggy were somewhere, together. James and Regulus had the perfect cover-up for their date, in Hogsmeade.

"How are we going to get to Hogsmeade?" Regulus asked in confusion.

"The map, obviously."

"The map only shows Hogwarts."

"And Hogwarts has seven secret passages. And this one," James pointed on the map, at the one they were walking towards "leads straight to the dungeons of Honeydukes." (Did I spell it right? I've got the Dutch copy of the books)

"So that's how you got the candy for the party," Regulus said. "What spell did you guys use for this thing anyway? A combination, probably. It's really advanced magic."

"Moony figured it out. Don't ask me how he did it. We searched for the spell for the ghosts for our entire 2nd year, until Peter said we could always try this simple spell. It was so simple, we hadn't thought of it." James said. "We're here," James whispered the spell and the statue of the witch made place for the entrance of a sort of tunnel. It was pretty big.

"It's pretty long. I know a way to make it faster." James said.


"It's kind of a crazy idea, but I could turn into a deer, and you could ride me." James prayed Sirius would never hear that sentence out of context.

Regulus blushed, and nodded. James turned into a deer, Regulus stared at the beautiful deer that had appeared in front of him for a few seconds, before remembering what he was supposed to do. 10 minutes later, James was back in his normal form, and the 2 boys stood in the dungeon of Honeydukes.

They walked on the snowy road in the middle of Hogsmeade and entered The Three Broomsticks. Marietta stood behind the bar, Rosemerta, her daughter who was known for switching bed-partners pretty often, was cleaning tables. Rosemerta was a pretty woman, but James never found her attractive.

"Snuck out again, Potter?" Marietta asked. She looked a little irritated, she never liked the Marauders breaking the rules, but when they drunk something, she promised not to tell. "Let the boys have some fun, mother. What shall it be?" Rosemerta said. Both boys ordered butterbeer and Rosemerta went to grab them.

Shoutout to one direction, because that's what I listened to writing this. I'm becoming a directioner, my friend will be proud of me.

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