(13.) Rift Apart.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

"I'll get you all back!"

The emperor explained. Rivet merely snorted as he got dragged away. Justice was going to served now that the former leader had been captured.

"Heh." Rivet wiped her brow, sitting on Kit's larger form shoulder. "Glad we got that out the way."

Kit merely squeaked. Transforming back into the smaller form she'd come to associate as normal. The Lombax hopped off her new friend onto the ground.

"Rivet." Kit sighed. "I'm back your glad."

Rivet nodded solemnly. Watching everything out your own mind took its own tool. She still had trouble comprehending being in control.

"So long. Years I'd served him." She mumbled under her breath bitterly. "Forcing me to do his work."

Kit placed a hand on hers. Giving a reassuring squeeze, indicating a comforting gesture. Rivet accepted it, replicating it.

Kit smiled. "Thank you."

"Hey guys!"

The two looked to see Clank and Ratchet hopping off a ship. He gave a thumbs up and pilot saluted back.

"He's nice. How's everyone?"

"Good." Rivet nodded. "Very good. Glad to be here."

Kit nodded silently. She stood next to Clank. Now preferring the company of her one kind at the moment. The organisms could talk.

"You know, we have to go soon." Ratchet shook his head, taking Rivet's hand. "We'll come back."

"Or maybe we'll visit you."

Ratchet's eyes widened. A blush adorned Rivet's features, turning her head away whilst biting her lip.

"...I wouldn't mind." Ratchet smiled. "I wouldn't."

"Heh." Rivet placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, we won't be late in the future. Good luck."

"And to you to." Clank interrupted, suspiciously holding Kit's metal hand. "We will not leave forever."

"You better not." Kit grinned what she could. "Or I'd hunt you down like in the old days."

The joke made everyone laugh. Now it was something they could talk about. Suddenly Captain Quark honked on the ship.

Yeah, he had that for some ungodly reason.

"C'mon, Ratchet! A Galaxy needs it heroes!"

"Coming." Ratchet rolled his eyes playfully. "We'll see you later. C'mon, bud. Good luck, Rivet and Kit."

Clank hopped into Ratchet's back, giving a little wave to which the other two did back. Ratchet jumped onto the ship and it set back off.

Kit did the same with Rivet.

"What are we gonna do now?"

Rivet smiled genuinely. Having freedom, a partner, and all she needed was to clean messes. It wouldn't be easy. Trust would have to be earned.

"Work together As A Team."

Together they were Rivet & Kit.

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