Chapter 6 - A little bit of Affection

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Chapter name changed.




Adraniel's Pov:

When I woke up in the morning the first thing I did was wince in pain. My body was still sore and this weird collar like thing supposedly blocked all of my power. I can't even heal and Lucien was one big fat idiot who still after week's couldn't figure this out that I really don't have any powers.
I glanced at my side to find it empty.

Yesterday's event flooded my mind and I can't helpt but feel a weird warmth in my chest, again.
It was like my heart calmed down and beat slowly when Lucien would be all caring and shit but when he was the Lucien I didn't like , my heart would go as fast as it could in fear.

I don't know what was his fucking problem, one minute  he was a psychopath and the other he was so loving and caring.
I couldn't help but feel my self blushing when I remembered him bathing me , spoon feeding me and then cuddling me to sleep. It was his daily routine.

He apologized yesterday and kissed my forehead.
I rubbed my forehead where he kissed me and felt myself blushing yet again.

His words and actions gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling in my stomach.
Like that as they said in those books , the butterflies thingies.

I didn't see him coming in from the bathroom.
As I looked up I wished I didn't.

He stood there freshly out of shower , bare chested water beads dropping from his hairs and trailing downs his torso.
I gulped as I stared at his body, his torso specially his abs.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. I shook my head , he was lust afterall. He was irresistible.
I turned away from him cursing myself for being so , malleable. He was affecting me. I kept repeating in my mind that I have to run away.

He must have noticed me staring at him because he smirked .

"You know you could stare as long as you want , it's yours afterall!" He said huskily , slowly walking towards me he dropped the towel as if his voice was not enough he had to drop his towel.
I saw his length which I say large would be an understatement.

I squeaked quickly covering my eyes. His laughter filled the room.
Few mintues later he grabbed my chins.

"You can open your eyes love I'm decent, not that I wasn't before." He said smirking making me blush again.

I didn't knew why I was having this feeling ? I couldn't be having feelings for him right ?

"Take a shower and come down to  have breakfast with me!" He said going out of the door.

I went into the shower and looked in the mirror.

There was the mark that told I was now his property. I cried at the thought. I didn't want to stay here I wanna go.

I had no powers with me and my healing was stopped due to his stupid magical collar even if there was any.

I grabbed it and tried hard to remove it , even cutting it from a scissors but it didn't.
I sighed and did as he told.
I didn't want to be punished again.
But I won't stay here , I'm gonna runaway.

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