Chapter 17 - Lucy with a "Y"

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Froy Gutierrez as Lucifer Morning Star.


Lucien's Pov:

I woke up feeling hot. Like I was directly under the sun. When  I opened my eyes I saw a white dome like thing covering us.

I got surprised and would have thrashed but a heavy weight on my chest made me stop.
It was dark but the light seeping through small holes gave enough light inside to make me see.
I realised we were covered in white feathers.
Slight sunlight washed in through feathers lighting the inside in golden colour .

looked down to see Adraniel snuggled into my neck and laying on my chest.

It was his angel wings that covered me and him. It was a sign of protection . I found myself smiling at that . He was trying to protect me when it was me who should have protected him. Aww my little cutie.

I woke him up by peppering his face with kisses.

"Ummm what are you doing!?" He giggled sleepily.

"Wakey wakey !" I cooed.

"I don't wanna , it feels so good! You feel so good " He whined wrapping his hands tighter around my chest.

" Don't you have work today?" I asked.

"Mmmh my boyfriend is the owner,  he can give me a leave after destroying my ass last night!" He mumbled making me laugh loudly.

"Sure he will! So are we boyfriend's now?" I asked amused and teasing him.
I just realised it would have been so frustrating when you're all horny and your partner stops to ask you ,'will be you my boyfriend'.

" Yes now shut up! "He said closing his eyes.

" Well I thought you ask your partner first about becoming their boyfriend ? "I teased him.

"You did last night and it was very annoying."he mumbled and then bit my nipple.

" Owwwww! What was that for?"he bit my nipple so roughly. What the fuck ? He was a lot more confident around me nowadays and I loved this side of him. I rolled my eyes still smiling.

" You know why. "he said and got up and kissed me.

" So feisty! "I chuckled.

" You ruined my sleep ,so now let's head back . If we stay one more minute in this fucking hot sun your brothers will find two roasted chicken on the clouds." He said getting up from the bed and stretched but as he got off and stood up he yelped and grabbed his ass.

" Oww it's still sore you ass. Carry me now!"he said making me laugh.

After wearing our clothes and leaving the things to pick later.
We both flew down with him in my arms.

" Lucien , I want to paint I haven't painted in months!"he whined.

As we walked in our mansion.
My brother's will probably tease me about having sex with him or more like me and my brother's will tease him about his first time.

Oh wait, first I have to tell my brother's. Damn they'll be all over me to know how it feels to have sex with an angel and when they know it was hot and passionate they will be fucking jealous.

"Fine I'll order some colours ,brushes and canvasses." I said and managed to get the stuff delivered here within an hour.
So much to make him happy. After we took a long shower and had breakfast. The bell rang, means his stuff arrived.
He squealed and jumped on me and started kissing me. After checking his things out and taking everything up he came down to give me one last kis1.

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