Chapter 27 - Rebellion 2.0?

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Adraniel's Pov:

I was back at the hall but this time in chains walking side by side with a unconscious Lucien.
I think dad sucked all the energy out of him , he looked stoned.

The court's look of dissapointment went clearly unnoticed by me. They basically threw him on the floor .

"Watch it!" I growled and immediately pulled his head into my lap.

My mother and my siblings glanced at me with pity as I cradled my lovers head on my lap tracing my finger through his hair expecting him to wake up.

" You know how much the garden has damaged because of this pathetic lover of yours! ?" My father screamed at me.

I ignored him. And kept whispering sweet nothing in Lucien's ear and asking him to wake up.

" Stupid boy look at me !" he screamed and kicked me hard in the stomach making me fly away from Lucien. The sound of gasps from everyone filled my ears.

My jaw clenched in anger.
Everyone around looked at us in shock.
My father was known as the benevolent and kind king who never chose violence and anger.
Oh how wrong their beliefs were.
After living with sins , one thing that I had learned was recognising who was twisted deep down.

My father was one of them,
He was a Greedy man. He wanted all the reign and rule for himself. He hated me and was always angry at me because he envied me and my powers that surpassed him. He was too proud to leave the throne.

"Being with the sins and the devil has corrupted you! You are filled with rage and there is no place for an angel here that has sinned!" He screamed.
I laughed hard and he stopped speaking and glared at me.

"You say I'm the one corrupted. I'm the one talking with rage. Well you are the one who just kicked his own son out of anger , how ironic isn't it?

Well let me tell you how pathetic excuse of a father you have been to me and only me you are and always were selfish ! So fucking selfish, from the very young age expecting me to be like one of those warriors to fight for you and you being the dick you were completely ignored my words and disrespected me.

You were the one who banished me. You were the one who took my powers and sent me to earth to find love. And when I did you are the one who's taking it away from me.

For years father I have been tolerating your torment . You know how your words and actions wounded me deeper than any knives made in heaven or hell.

It's not me who is a disgrace as a son its you who is a disgrace as a father. It's you who failed to be a father. And it's you WHO CAN'T LET HIS CHILD BE HAPPY FOR ONCE!"I screamed.

Everyone was silent and my ragged breaths and irregular heartbeats were loud enough for everyone to hear.
Father's face was beet red from anger. He started counting and took deep breaths . He was literally burning .
He sighed and his face grew cold again.
He sat on his throne.

" Adraniel , you say you went to earth to find the meaning of love , which is your responsibility and powers. So what is it care to explain us? What exactly did you find on earth beside this " He asked and gave Lucien a hate and disgust filled glare.

" Watch it father you don't want me talking bad to you which I now know is your biggest pet peeve and 'this' is my boyfriend. You ask me what love is , fine then let me tell you what it is and what I learned on earth .

You say love is connection that keeps someone together but no love is just not that , love is when people manage to touch their souls and feel it. Love is when you are willing to give and expect nothing. Love is honesty and trust.
It's a connection of person's hearts , minds ,bodies and souls.
It is when you can count on the other to be there for you. It is when you are there for the others when they are suffering. Love doesn't judge and neither it tells who to love. It's when you are willing to go to extents for each other , sacrificing things and sometimes yourself for your beloved.

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