Chapter 30 - What The Fuck , Yes!

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Lucien's Pov

He stood up and went to pick up the box. I climbed on top of the mattress and got on one knee and pulled out the red velvet box.

"Lucien why do you need to keep the condoms and lube so far away!! That to in a box" He grumbled and as he opened it , he tilted his head probably from confusion and then he turned around and gasped dropping the box.

The box had a written note of
' just turn around and say yes '.

His eyes welled up before I could have even began with my words.

" My dear , my love , I know we have been together only for a year but trust me no one has ever made me feel the way you did. Those 11 months were only a chapter of our eternal lives. You captured my eyes on the first day when i saw you and I would go to any extent for you. I can never imagine spending my life with anyone else . And I just wanna ask will you marry me? "I asked.

To be honest , writing this long ass love message was very difficult for me.
Seriously a demon writing love message , this much sweetness wil give me diabetes. I should thank humans for a thing called Google ,atleast I learnt how to write proposal speech

He shook his head and my face contorted into the one with an obvious frown .

"What? Are you saying no?" I asked dejectedly.

"What the fuck? Yes! Obviously yes. I will marry you. God I was wondering if you would bring it up. I even started seeing rings. I thought I was the one who has to propose! " He said and slammed himself to my chest .

"How I can let you do that afterall I'm the man of relationship!" I teased and he hit me.

" Shut up don't be sexist. Girls can propose too and fyi we both are men!" I laughed and kissed his head.

"I know love just teasing you!" He hummed.

"Shit we have to start the preparation!!" He suddenly said .

"Pierce is doing it , you know Mr perfect . " I said.

"Nooo! He will probably do it to impress Elijah! And our wedding will become a impressing Elijah party!!!" He whined and I chuckled . Even I knew that .

"We'll supervise!" I suggested and he hummed.

After being in comforting this position for few minutes which felt like hours ,I felt him palming me. I sighed in content , my little trouble maker.

He looked up smirking ,
" Let's continue from where we left!" And I chuckled . He was obviously made for me , the perfect match with the same amount of sex drive ,humour and craziness like me.


I turned us around, now him being under me he couldn't move.
My mouth immediately latched on to his neck.
Kissing it slowly ,I started sucking hickeys on his neck.

Four or five bruises on his neck later ,I connected my lips to his.

I nibbled on his lower lip and slipped my tongue in his mouth.

He was so engrossed in roaming his hands all over me he didn't even felt my tongue entering his mouth and taking over.
He moaned when our tongues made contact also pulling his attention more on kiss rather than on my body.

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