Chapter 26 - Breached

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Adraniel's Pov:

I woke up on a really soft bed and a familiar scent of flowers.  My next was paining, stinging actually like a bee had stung me.

The bright golden light hit directly on my face.
The familiar scent of cloud Lily wafted through my nose.

Cloud Lily? I jolted awake from my sleep . Hell doesn't smell like flowers and have cloud lilies!!

I looked around and gasped in horror , I was in my room ,at home .

I looked around rubbing my eyes pinching myself to see if I wasn't dreaming. I was really in heaven.
Memories of events came rushing and I felt hot tears stream down my face. How can Emmanuel do this ,he said he won't . He promised.

I growled in anger.

I threw the covers off.
How long was I even out?
I picked up my clothes from my closet. I need to go back.

was halfway packing when there was a knock in the door.

"Adraniel are you awake?" It was ma.
I didn't replied.

"Adraniel!" She called out again.
"I'm coming in baby!" She opened the door and quickly rushed to me.

"Baby why are you crying? What are you doing?" She asked.

"I don't want to be here Ma. I wanna go back. I want Lucien. Please let me go back!" I cried.
She hushed me and rubbed my back while I cried.

"I love him ,ma . I seriously love him." I added

"Babu you know I can't. A demon and a angel it's unheard. Your father is already angry you don't wanna make him angry more,now do you?"she asked and I sniffled.

"Angry?!? He left me to die!! He knew when what happened on earth. He's the king for fuck sake yet he sat and watched! Now suddenly he cares for me ,after abandoning me for 9 years?!?" I screamed in anger.

" I don't care ma, I' don't care anymore. My home is where he is. He loves me and I love him and as long as I'm with him I don't care for world. I'm going back! "I wiped my tears and picked up my Duffle bag.

" Adraniel , baby wait. I uh I know I can't go against your father but please don't do something stupid child. Your father is really angry!"she warned.

" I don't care . He sent me there to find love and I did. Now he can't take it back!"I argued.

" Adraniel I'm your mother and I know what's best for you. That fallen angel will bring nothing but despair and destruction for you. Maybe he did some spell on you .stay here Adraniel we will cure you!"she pleaded

"Cure me?! Cure me?! I'm not ill!"I said and glared at her.

"Maybe we should have told you this sooner. Sit down Adraniel.
Listen." She said.

"I don't want to." I muttered.

"Adraniel sit."  She said and I huffed and did.

"Long ago when you were born, we went on earth to celebrate your first birthday. It was stupid of me to ask because -"

"Lucifer' and other came in. I know." I said.

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