Chapter 11

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Winter walk back and forth at living room. She thinking about how to find Ningning. She believe Ningning might be not far from their house. "How are we supposed to find her if we can't go out ?" ask Giselle after been silent for long time.

Suddenly, Winter got an idea. Instead telling her sister about the idea, she running throught master bedroom, leaving her confused sister alone. "I hope she can help me" thought Winter to herself.

She got into the room and lock the door. She sit on the bed and calling for her imaginary friend. Few second later, Winter feel her friend presence because of the sudden coldness. "Are you calling me ?" ask Emma.

"Please help me. My sister went missing" tell Winter to Emma. Emma can tell how worried Winter look like right now. "Tell me what happen and i'll do my best to to help"

Winter told her the whole story including what happen last night before Ningning when missing. Her expression change. She know Winter can't see but she really surprise by her story.

Winter almost cry by thinking about her precious little sister. She can't accept if something bad happen to Ningning. Emma feel bad for what happen to them. She sit beside Winter and try to comfort her. "We will find her" assurance Emma.

"Really ?" Emma nod her head. "We will find her no matter what happen. I promise you, i will help you" Emma answered clamly.

Winter wipe the tears that almost fall from her eyes. Smile slowly appear on her head. She has to believe in Emma. She know Emma will find her even she don't know how Emma gonna do it.

"Just one thing" Winter look at Emma with confuse look. "Stay together" with that, Emma leave the room. Winter still had no idea what Emma mean by that.

Karina walk out of the room and try to find Ningning once again. She know her little sister might hiding somewhere. Last time she did, Karina found her hiding nearest hidden place that only Winter and Ningning know at their house.

"She better not pull prank on me like before"

She walking through hallway when she see a door nearest the kitchen. "Why suddenly there's a door here ?" thought Karina to herself. She walk toward the door and try to open it. Lucky, the door is not lock. She smile to herself and walk inside.

She look around the room and surprise to see what inside of it. There alot of pictures on the wall. "Who are these people ?" There so many random people on the pictures. She look at them one by one but she don't recognize any of them.

She keep looking untill one of the picture get her attention. It's a picture of group of people. They look like highchool girl going for school trip. "The owner say, they don't have a daughter. Then who are these people ? Why they have their picture ? Are use to stay here before ?"

So many question playing on her mind, but she got no answer to all of that question. She take the picture and keep inside her pocket. The room look weird and messy. "Whoever stay here probably a pyschopath"

When she about to leave the room, she saw a camera on the table. She take the camera and see what inside of it. There alot of random people photo similiar to the wall. "Or maybe, this person is stalker"

The pictures are a photo of younger woman and children. Base what inside the room, this person is totally a stalker and it make Karina sick by think about it. "Does the owner didn't know about this ?"

All of sudden, she felt goosebumps. She can sense something cold inside the room. She was wondering how can she feel cold when there is no fan or air conditioner.


She hear someone whisper at her ear. She immediately run out of the room like her body been controlling by someone. The door close shut. She can feel her heart rapid fast. "What is that ?"

She try to open the door but it's lock. She take out the picture from her pocket and see something different with the photo. The photo change, instead people are smiling, they're now look cold. It make her confuse to how the photo change. "This is weird"

Giselle walk through hallway on second floor when she see someone waving their hand from Karina room. Giselle waving back with a smile on her face. "Hello" greet Giselle.

She realise there something different when she hear the person voice. It's not Karina voice. When she look back at Karina's room, that person was gone. "What just happen ?"

Giselle start running while screaming to the living room. Karina and Winter hear their sister screaming voice, immediately run to her. They saw her, hugging her leg. She look so pale.

Karina sit beside her and try to comfort her. "What's happen ? Are you okay ?" ask Karina with worriedness. Giselle look up to see Karina face before she hug her sister. Karina can tell how scare Giselle is base how she tremble.

"I saw someone inside your room. I thought it was you since she wave her hand at me but it's not. I'm scare, Karina" explain Giselle between her sob. Karina try her best to keep her calm but she know how her sister feel. It must be scare for Giselle to experiance something like that.

"Can you guys keep it low ? I'm still sleeping you know."

They look at where the voice come from. It was Ningning standing at the stairs. "Ning ? It's that you ?" ask Winter, who look surprise by Ningning sudden appearance. "Yes, it's me, your favourite sister. Who else ?" say Ningning, fliping her hair.

They running toward her and hug her so tight. Ningning was surprise by sudden action. Her sisters are crying while hugging her. It make her confuse. "Why are you crying ? Is there something bad happen ?" ask Ningning in confusion.

"We're thought you went missing. Where have you been ?" ask Giselle. This is getting weird. "I was sleeping inside my room. I can hear Winter keep running on the hallway but i ignore it" Winter giggle at it. Sometimes she like to annoyed them when they were sleeping.

"But we didn't see you inside the room"

"I even ask my imaginary friend to help me to find you"

Ningning blink her eyes severe times. She know she was sleeping. She remember seeing her sister getting inside her room but she decide to ignore them because she still feel tired.

"What is going on here ? Things getting more weird"

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