Chapter 13

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TW// Blood, Violence

Everyone fall asleep in living room. Karina still in the middle between her two little sister, while Giselle sleep beside Winter. They all sleep peacefully, except Ningning. She seems like having a nightmare because she keep moving in her sleep.

"This is all your fault. I can't believe you let this happen to us."

"Calm down. I know you're mad but"

"Silence! It's your fault too"

"I'm sorry"

"You're sorry won't change anything"

The room went silent after the girl leave. Ningning can't believe what she see infront of her. It's the same people she see on the photo. "Who are these people ?" thought Ningning.

One by one leaving the room untill two people left. Ningning can't see the other girl because she was hiding. The taller girl still keep her head down. She look up to see her other friend still mad.


The tall girl try to approach her but she ignore it. She try to get close but the other girl end up pushing her away. "Bae, i'm sorry. I know it's fault. Please forgive me" apologize the tall girl.

The other girl look her in the eyes in mad. "Stay away from me" She push the tall girl and walk away. The tall girl try to stop her but fail. Ningning can't see the other girl face because how fast she walk. All she can see is the other girl has blonde hair.

Ningning want to approach the tall girl when she hear a loud sound. "What is that ?" thought Ningning to herself while walking to the source of the sound.

The sound come from the room at the second floor. When she get inside the room, she saw a girl lying on the ground with pool of blood. Ningning was very surprised by what she saw. "Oh my goodness, what's happen ?"

Ningning saw the other girl, standing not far from the body. She look so pale. Few second later, their friend shown up infront of the room. They also shock to see their friend body with blood.

"It's happening. It's really happen"

Ningning hear one of them start screaming in fear. Her friend try to calm her down but it's not working. She back away from the door untill she bump into something, more to bump into someone. When she turn around, she saw the girl standing behind her.

"Where are you going ?"

Ningning want to scream, it's when she wake up from her dream. She look around to see that she still in living room with her sisters. They slowly wake up because of her scream. "Are you okay ? Why are you screaming ?" ask Karina with sleepy voice.

Ningning try to control her breath. Her face full of sweat and she feel hot. Karina try to comfort her by pull her closer. Her calm voice really make Ningning feel little bit safe since she was scare because of her dream.

"I got a nightmare" say Ningning. Her breath still heavy. "A nightmare" repeat Karina. Ningning start to tell them about her dream. They all look scare with the story. "Who are they ? Do you know them ?" ask Giselle. Ningning shook her head, telling them she have no idea who are they.

Winter want to ask Ningning some question when something caught her attention. Not something but someone. A blonde hair girl sitting infornt of them with a smile on her face. "Errr... Guys, look"

They look at where the blonde girl sit. Karina eyes went wide. She know this girl. They have met before. "J... Jiu ? What are you doing here ? How you get inside ?" ask Karina in confusion. It's been a days since she last meet her and now she here in her house.

"You know her ?" ask Giselle. They all look at Karina in confusion. Karina eyes still to the blonde hair girl. "Yes. I met her before" tell Karina. She really want to know how Jiu get inside here when the door is dead lock.

Jiu know it's useless to keep it from them. They slowly see what happen inside this house. They deserve to know the truth. "Whatever your sister dream about it's not just a dream. It more of a warning" say Jiu with calm tone. Their face change and they look more scare than before. "What do you mean ?"

Before Jiu could explain, they hear a footstep walking toward them. It become more clear as it getting closer to where they are. "Who's that ?" ask Ningning with her shaky voice while hug on Karina side.

Soon, they saw a girl standing at the doorway while dragging an uncoscious girl. They were surprise to see the girls. They both covered with blood. "Who are you ?" ask Karina with shaky voice. Her body shiver in fear. The girl look so scary.

Jiu stand infront of the siblings in defensive mood. "Sua, what did i told you not to do ? Why are you hurting Dami ?" ask Jiu in angry tone. Sua throw Dami's body to other side before walk toward Jiu. "None of your bussiness"

"I told you not to hurt anyone right ? What it's wrong with you ?" ask Jiu again. She's really mad at what Sua did to their younger sister. Whatever reason, Sua should not being so violence toward them.

Sua look at the siblings with smirk on her face. She know she can't get close to them because of Jiu but she know Jiu can't protect them for too long. Soon they will face what they face before.

Sua stand really close to Jiu. Their face just an inch apart. Jiu can feel Sua hot breath. It make her shiver to her spine. "Next time, if you don't want me to hurt them, tell them not to piss me off, understand ?" warn Sua before backing away from Jiu.

"But what Dami say was true. She just want to protect you"

"I don't need anyone protection. I just want to leave. Let me free, Jiu. Please"

Jiu let out a sigh. She know how Sua feel but what she did still wrong. She shouldn't have to hurt Dami that way. Sua give them last glance before leave the living room. She carry Dami on her back and walk toward second floor.

Karina put her head on Jiu shoulder. She know how Jiu feel when their siblings start to hurt each other. "Will she be fine ? I mean Dami" ask Winter. Jiu nod her head. She turn her head and give them a smile. "I think it's time for me to you the truth about what happen to us and this house" say Jiu, sitting between them.

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