Chapter 23

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The situation at home is very quiet. It seems like everyone are still sleeping. Suddenly...


Jiu turn around to see Sua screaming out of no reason. She look at her in the eyes, giving her death glare. "Can you please be silent. People are sleeping" tell Jiu in mad voice.

"But i'm bored" tell Sua in lazy voice. She was so bored that she don't know what to do. Beside she hate quiet place. It's so quiet that it annoyed her.

Jiu still giving her death glare. "I don't care. Do whatever you want but please don't be so loud" warn Jiu. She won't let Sua bother anyone peaceful sleep.

Of course Sua won't listen. It's too quiet that she really want to scream out loud. She does anyway. Jiu close her ears with her both hands, watching Sua screaming again.

Then, there something hit Sua on the head really hard. Sua let out of pain. "Ouch! That's hurt!" groan Sua in pain. She rub her head severe times to ease the pain. She look at the floor and see a shoe. "Whose has these shoe ?" say Sua to herself.

"That's my shoe"

Jiu and Sua look at where the voice come from. They saw Siyeon standing at the doorway, crossing her arm on her chest. She look little bit mad. "Siyeon ?" say Jiu, titled her head a little.

Sua take Siyeon's shoe, holding it tight. "Why are you throwing your shoe at me ?" ask Sua in angry voice. She throwing back the shoe at Siyeon, which she catch easily. Siyeon put it on before answer Sua question. "It because you being loud. My baby is sleeping" answer Siyeon.

That's make Jiu and Sua confus for awhile. "Baby ? You mean Gahyeon ? or Yoohyeon ?" quessing Jiu. Siyeon shook her head. "It's Dami. Dami is sleeping" tell Siyeon, still shooking her head.

"What ?! So you with Dami now ?" ask Sua shocking. She can't believe what she hear right now. "It's not like you love me. I know you have feeling for Jiu, it's okay. But let me be happy with her. I love her okay" tell Siyeon, keeping her head down.

It's true that Sua and Siyeon are close. They too close to a point people thought they were couple when they not. They always together. Wherever Sua go, there Siyeon by her side. It sad that Sua don't feel the same way for Siyeon.

Even if Sua treat her nicely, Siyeon know, they just a friend. She even know how Sua feel for Jiu. The way Sua talk about Jiu to her, she can tell it's love rather than friend.

It make Sua feel guilt for giving Siyeon fake hope. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to love you but i can't" explain Sua. Now she the one keep her head down. She feel shame for doing this to Siyeon.

Siyeon hold Sua's chin and lift her face. "It's okay. I don't mind. Thanks to you, i can finally confess my feeling to my crush" tell Siyeon with a smile.

Siyeon has feeling for Dami since they were kids. Dami is smart kid and everyone want her. It make Siyeon jealous to see anyone getting close to Dami. But now, she more than happy that Dami finally be hers. She don't need to feel that way anymore because Dami only belong to her.

"I'm glad you finally confess to her. And i'm also happy that she feel the same way too" say Jiu with a smile. Sua hug Siyeon so tight and congrates her. "Since Dami hate horror, please protect her" tell Sua. She know how much Dami scare of this house even she already dead. "Of course, i will. I won't let anything bad happen to her again" tell Siyeon with confident. She will make sure the house won't scare her girlfriend again.

After that, Siyeon back to where she's been. Jiu and Sua following her from behind. They see Siyeon pull Dami closer to her, put her into her arms. They smile at that. "Siyeon look like protective wolf, right ?" say Jiu, looking at Sua. Sua nod her head. "And there no way the darkness could do anything about it" say Sua.

Jiu and Sua left the room, leaving the couple to sleep peacefully. And Sua decide to be quiet so she won't wake up Siyeon's girlfriend.

Yoohyeon wake up from her sleep. She look at the clock. It show 1:35 in the morning. It make Yoohyeon feel weird with the time. "It's the clock broken ?" ask Yoohyeon to herself.

She look at her side to see, Handong sleep peacefully. She put her hand on her head, caressing her hair gentlely. "You look so peacefull. I wonder what kind of dream do you have right now" wonder Yoohyeon to herself.

Handong smiling at the touch of Yoohyeon's hand. Her eyes still closing and she still sleeping. Yoohyeon smile at that. "So cute" say Yoohyeon to herself.

"Handong look, I bought a popcorn" tell Yoohyeon while showing the popcorn that she bought from the store two weeks ago. Handong smile at that.

"You tell me you having date with Handong, then why i am here ?" ask Dami in confusion. Yoohyeon laughing at her. Handong joined too. "It because you are my teddy bear. I want to cuddle with you while watching a movie" explain Yoohyeon.

See that stupid grin on Yoohyeon face make Dami annoyed a little. She let out a sigh. "Why don't you cuddle with your girlfriend, Handong ?" ask Dami curious. She wonder why she need to be with her when Yoohyeon has Handong as her girlfriend.

Yoohyeon think for awhile. "Because Handong like to hit me when we watch horror movie. That's why i drag you here" explain Yoohyeon. Dami were speechless. She don't know what to say anymore.

Handong pull Dami closer to her. It make Yoohyeon surprise. "Yah! That's my teddy bear" huff Yoohyeon. Handong stick out her tongue. "She's mine now" tell Handong.

They start fighting about who got a cuddle with Dami. While Dami, she just let them fight over her. She too lazy to stop them. After all she love all the attention her friend give to her so why not enjoy it.

It just a dream but Handong treasure it. She know this won't happen again since they were dead. It sad but truth.

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