new neighbor

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i was sitting on the couch in the living room, when i saw my mom glance over at the window. "y/n, it looks like the new neighbors are moving into the house next door." she told me.

"hmm cool." i mumbled as i continued to watch my tv show.

"maybe you could go and help them out." she suggested. "it would be a great way to welcome and make friends with them."

who did she think i was? a moving company. that is not how i wanted to spend my day. "yeah no thanks. i can just meet them another way at another time." i replied.

my mom later on left for work, so i was left alone by myself for a couple hours. i decided to go out and walk over to my best friends house. i grabbed my jacket, slipped on my shoes, and grabbed the house keys to lock the house up.

i was walking down the sidewalk when out of nowhere, i see someone racing down in my direction, and before i was able to get out of the way, i felt myself crashing down onto the concrete.

"what the fuck?" i groaned as i opened my eyes to find a boy lying on top of me. "get off me!" i said very startled. he got off and i checked to see if i was bleeding. nope. i was good.

"shit im so sorry." the boy apologized as he let out a hand to help me up. i accepted it and he pulled me back onto my feet.

he was tall and has curly blonde hair. he had a jumble of headphones with one of them still in his ear, and he held a skateboard in the other hand. he was pretty cute.

"sorry, you just came out of nowhere and i didn't see you. are you hurt?" he asked. i shook my head. "no im not, but dude please watch where you are going next time."

"yeah i will, im super sorry. i really am." i cut him off. "stop apologizing." i smiled. "im fine and it's all good. let's just get over with it and move on."

i bent down to pick up my keys from the sidewalk and started to continue with what i was doing.

"wait!" he stopped me and i turned back around. "i never did get your name." he shouted out.

i walked back over to him "y/n. im y/n. what about you skater boy?"

"oh nice. im vinnie." he replied. "so you live somewhere around here?" he asked me as he pointed around to all the houses on the block.

"yeah vinnie." i said making use of his name that i now knew. "i live in that house right over there."

"really?" he seemed like he thought i was lying or something. this guy was funny.  "i do live there. why? you think im lying or something? im not i promise." i laughed.

"oh no i believe you. it's just funny cause i just moved in right next door to that exact house."

so vinnie's family were the new neighbors. great. this insanely cute and hot guy that just ran me over with his skateboard was going to live just next to me.

"cool. well i guess ill see you around then." i told him. "catch up later vinnie! i have somewhere to go." i started walking again in the opposite direction.

"okay it was nice meeting you, y/n." i heard him say. "i definitely want to see you again soon." he added. i found myself blushing extremely hard when he said that.

maybe having new neighbors wasn't too bad.

kinda cliche but idc i love it 😌

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