hype house show

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i did finish the hype house show 2 days after it came out.
let me know your opinions on the show!!
request from paigexmarie26


“vinnie you're not understanding what im saying.”

vinnie and i were in the middle of having a small argument. i hated fighting with him, especially over small things, but this was important to me so i wanted to bring it up to him.

i just haven’t been seeing or hanging out with him often and it’s really been bugging me. he will be gone but then come back and act like everything is fine, but we haven’t been together as much this week.

i had no idea if it was maybe something i did, but whatever it was i wanted to fix it fast and just talk it out with him.

he just sat there with hs palms over his eyes and his face out of sight since he’s usually very calm when he is angry.

“i just haven’t seen you around recently.” i continued while he listened. “when i wake up you are always gone. then a couple hours later i find out you are somewhere random or with friends and you don’t even bother to tell me. did i do something?”

he shakes his head.

“no y/n you didn’t do anything.”

“then what is it?” i ask. “there is obviously something on your mind. you can tell me anything vin. that’s what im here for.” i pull him closer to me and he takes a huge sigh and begins to speak.

“i’ve just been really stressed out recently. the filming of the show, training for the fight, all the new things ive experienced, hate, and just social media in general. i guess my mental health hasn’t been at it’s best lately” he explains.

“i thought that if i went out and tried to lots of things in a day, i would feel more productive and happier, but i ended up feeling more miserable knowing i was just forcing myself to do things so maybe it would instantly make me feel better.

i wrap my arms around him and place a kiss on the top of his head.

“oh im sorry about that vin.”

this whole social media influencer world has always been hard on him and his mental health and i can’t help but feel bad. because all i can do is be there for him, and i always feel like that isn’t enough to help him.

i feel myself sniffling and some tears coming down my eyes.

“y/n why are you crying” he wipes the tears that are slowly coming down my cheeks.

“i just feel so bad for you and im mad that there isn’t much i can do to help you. you deserve so much better.”

“no no y/n. im the one that should be sorry. i disappeared sometimes with no explanation and you have every reason to be upset at me. you are the one that deserves better. you are always the one that’s here to help pick me up when i fall apart. sometimes i feel like im a shitty boyfriend.”  

he is the total opposite of shitty boyfriend. try the best boyfriend ever. sometimes this boy was so clueless.

“you are the best.” i chuckle while wiping the rest of my tears away. “don’t say that.”

“i love you y/n. im so sorry.”

“it’s okay i understand. i accept your apology. i love you too.”

he pulls me in and we share a passionate kiss, but then he suddenly pulls away.

“what? is something wrong.”

vinnie looks to the crack of our bedroom door and spots a camera, he lets out a laugh and buries his head in the pillow while i look over there and smile.

“don’t tell me you got that entire thing on camera oh my goodness.” i shout out to the filming crew that i can hear giggling behind the door.

the producers of the hype house show open the door and come inside. “no way you two, this will give the viewers of this show some good content.”

“you’ve got to be kidding me.” vinnie says.

“you two are going to make all the fans throw their hearts up. you guys are so cute it makes me sick.” one of the producers say to us as they leave the room.


later in the day, the crew pulls me out and brings me to the bus to film a solo confessional clip to show after the segment they just filmed.

“so is what you said in there true?” the producer asks. “is that how bad social media has affected you?”

“well it’s impacted me in both good and bad ways. obviously both come with having this kind of job. a lot of the time i feel like this and my mental health is just so poor i feel the need to force myself to do things and please other people. but y/n’s here to help me out and make sure it isn’t getting any worst than it already is.”

“she is almost like an angel sent from above.” i smile. “she’s heaven sent.”

✔ 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐘, vinnie hacker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now