Chapter 16- Party Time

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After you answered all the questions regarding the video message the rest of the day went by as normal, classes and training. But Midoryia still had questions every now and again.

The rest of the week went quick enough, no major drama, your hero classes were hard but always fun and well trig (trigonometry) was trig nobody likes it but it happened.

It was finally the weekend and you were helping the girls get set up for Toru's birthday. All the girls met in Mina's room fully ready in their pyjamas.

You were in a loose shirt and a pair of short(I mean short) shorts and fuzzy slippers. There was loads of snacks, sodas and movies set up ready for a night of fun. The music was bopping and everyone was chatting and having a blast when Mina decides a game was needed.

"Well my girlies lets spice things up with a game." Everyone shares a nervous glance but agrees. Nothing good can come of Mina's wild ideas and you all knew it.

When everyone agrees (somewhat reluctantly) Mina announced that she would be back in a minute and dashed out of the room.

All the girls shared a nervous look with each other in confusion. After a few minutes pass Mina returns with seven of the guys. You knew this bitch had something planned and throw her all kinds of looks.

"So the boys have agreed to play truth or dare." she joyfully chirped as she re-entered the room.

"Wait what?" You could hear a few confused voices as the boys walked in, Kirishima, Denki, Midoryia, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Todoroki and Bakugo enter the room behind the bubbly pink girl."Sush! I said we'd be playing a game just take a seat."

Eventually everyone took a boy, girl position in a circle, you ended up between Bakugo on your left and Denki on your right.

The game started off innocent enough, dance to this song, sing a nursery rhyme, impersonate a teacher(Kiri wrapped himself in a blanket and pretended to snore making everyone laugh at how accurate his Aizawa impersonation was)

Eventually it started to get a bit less PG, it was now Mina's turn(never a good thing), "I dare Y/N to sit in Bakugos lap,,," She winks at you."for the rest of the game.

You glare at the girl and go to protest "What if Bakugo doesn't,,,"

"Shut up dumbass,, it's fine." Bakugo moves his hands from his lap so you could sit.

You look at him dumbfounded full sure he would have been against it but when he didn't argue you sighed and moved to sit in his lap still glaring at Mina.

As you wriggle to get comfy you look around the group and land on Kirishima."Truth or dare?"

"Truth." He was quick to respond, proud in his decision.

You wriggle in excitement. "Have you ever snogged/kissed/made-out with a girl in this room?"

Kirishmia's face was almost as red as his hair. ",,,,yes,,," Kirishima looked at his hands trying to hide his feelings but you see Mina's normally pink cheeks turn red too.

Oh you have leverage now. You wriggle your hips in delight that you had dirt on Mina, only to have hands grip your waist and a gruff voice whisper."Why can't you just sit still?"

You had almost forgotten where you were sitting. You feel the colour build in your cheeks when you realise Bakugo's hands were gripping your waist.

You didn't even take in the next few dares/truths, you were too busy trying to concentrate on anything other than his warm hands.

"I dare Bakugo to kiss Y/N,,,Like Kiss Kiss not a peck on the cheek, but full on the lips kiss" The mention of your name dragged you back to reality.

Before you could register what was really happening you feel a hand roughly turn your head to the side and warm lips press against yours.

Your eyes widen realising what was going on, Bakugo was kissing you, you hesitate for a moment before returning the kiss.

After what felt like eternity Bakugo pulls back and looks away from you. You turn back to face the group gently pressing your fingers to your lips.

It was Bakugo's turn next "Bird brain truth or dare?" Bakugo barked at Tokoyami. Who chose truth.

"Ugh boring, fine would you sleep with any of the girls here?" Everyone turned to Tokoyami waiting for his response.

He seemed quite nervous and didn't look like he was going to answer when suddenly Dark Shadow appeared.

"He likes Asui so probably her" Dark Shadow replied nonchalantly as he stretched passed the group to the snacks.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami exclaimed with embarrassment before hiding his face in his hands. Dark Shadow returned with snacks and a soda for Tokoyami.

"Yaoyorzu,,truth or dare?" Tokoyami mutters from behind his hands.

Momo thought for a moment before making her decision "Dare,,,"

Eager to get the attention off himself Tokoyami. "I dare you to kiss the guy you find the most attractive"

Her face turned bright red."Can I change to truth?"

You giggle at how cute the normally well composed girl was being, forgetting yourself you let your tail and ears show. Your tail wagging wildly with excitement, all this juicy gossip was going to make for very interesting girl talk later.

You hear a grunt behind you before a hand clamped around your tail causing you to yelp in surprise."Ngh, I told you to stop moving dumbass."

You look around to find Bakugo holding your tail and a tortured look on his red face.

You had forgotten again that you were in his lap and you jump up snatching your tail from his hand.

You were about to yell at him but a sudden realisation hit you causing your face to burn with embarrassment and rush out of the room.

You could hear Todoroki giving out to Bakugo as you left. "Bakugo what did you do to upset Y/N?"

"I didn't do anything you half and half bastard." Bakugo's frustration clear in his voice.

You rushed back to your own dorm to calm down a bit before rejoining the party. By the time you got back the boys were gone.

"Hey Y/N you good?" Jiro was the first to notice you'd returned. "We got rid of the boys ,Bakugo and Todoroki started fighting after you had left, Kiri and Denki had to drag Bakugo out of the room." She rolled her eyes.

"So what happened earlier, why did you run off?" Uraraka was handing you a slice of cake.

"Oh, um it was nothing, Bakugo had just grabbed my tail which I wasn't expecting and I guess I just freaked out." You take a seat on the edge of the bed to eat the cake.

Wolf Whistle : Bakugo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now