Chapter 59 - Winter

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You couldn't have asked for a better start to your weekend but you really wanted to go out and enjoy the day. Not that you weren't enjoying the alone time with this jealous hothead.

"Come on Katsuki,,," You whined as he snuggled into your bare chest. "Lets get up and do something."

He ignored you and buried his face between your breasts. He was so cute when he was being clingy but you really didn't want to waste the day in bed. "Okay five more minutes and then we are getting up."

You played with his hair and he squeezed you tightly, you thought to yourself that this wouldn't really be a bad way to spend the day but you shoved the thought aside as you were determined to get up and do something today.


It actually took about ten minutes to convince Katsuki to let you go. You threw on one of his shirts and a pair of leggings you had left behind and headed to your room to get dressed for the day.

You had agreed to meet in the common area in twenty minutes so you had to move fast. It was pretty cold out now so you wore a pair of jeans and a cosy cardigan over a warm long sleeved shirt.

Nothing fancy but you still felt cute and comfy so you were happy, you brushed your hair and tied it into a messy bun before running out of your room to meet Katsuki.

The common area was full, loads of the others were siting around, some still in their pyjamas obviously planning a lazy day. You spotted Katsuki on the sofa beside Kirishima playing a video game and went to join them.

You sat quietly while waiting for them to finish when Mina came up behind you. "Oh gurrl,,,what happened to you neck?"

You look at her confused, Mina gestured for Momo to come over and asked he to create a mirror to show you. By the time the mirror was ready you had a few other people standing around you. Kaminari even gave Katsuki a clap on the back and called him a sly dog.

When you finally saw what they were all talking about you glared at the blonde beside you who just smirked. 'What the fuck Katsuki, it looks like an animal took a bite out of my neck?' You growled at him mentally.

He didn't even give you a second look and just turned back to concentrate on the game in front of him with a happy grin on his face.

You took your hair down to cover the worst of the mark and Momo produced a scarf for you to use as well. You decided you weren't going to wait for the jerk any longer and as soon as you had the scarf on you got up and left the building.

You were almost at the entrance gate when you heard a lot of shouting and a loud explosion behind you. You didn't need to turn around to see who was making such a commotion because the angry blonde was now landing in front of you.

He had used his quirk to propel himself so he could catch up with you. "WHAT THE FUCK DUMBASS?" He glared down at you.

You growled and gabbed a finger in his chest. "DON"T YOU WHAT THE FUCK ME," Your ears lay flat and the fur on your tail bristled. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THIS,,," You moved the scarf to reveal the massive hickey and bite marks on your neck.

Katsuki tried to back away from you but you weren't letting him get away, his own anger forgotten. You stomped away from him, the tip of your tail twitching in annoyance.

You didn't get far before Katsuki caught up and grabbed your wrist, you tried to break free but he just tightened his grip more and forced you to look at him.

There was anger and hurt in his eyes. "I,,,I just wanted everyone to know you were mine." His eyes avoided making contact with yours.

A small growl rumbled in your chest but you just rolled your eyes. "You dumb jealous bastard, there is no one else but you. I love you you moron."

Katsuki's eyes suddenly snapped up to yours, his mouth open slightly. You look at him for a moment and then it sunk in. You had just blurted out that you love him, you had never said it before but it was true. You new in your heart of hearts it was true.

But this wasn't how you wanted to tell him.

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