Chapter 22- Beach Bound

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It was finally the day of your big beach vacation with the girls. Your dad dropped you at the train station on his was to the agency office.

You were super excited, you had never had an over night trip like this before.

You spot Momo and Toru waiting near the entrance with their bags, looking at Momo's luggage you could have sworn she was moving to the beach.

"Momo do you think you brought enough with you? We are only staying one night right?" You joke as you get close.

A pink tint flushes Momo's cheeks. "I,,um,,I wasn't sure what we'd need so I brought everything I could think of,,,," She begins to list off all the things she had brought including floaties, first aid kits, extra swimsuits.

"Girl you can create like almost all of that if we were truly stuck." Toru laughs at Momo's embarrassment.

Uraraka and Asui arrive a few minutes later and Jiro turns up just before 7:15am. "Where are Mina and the others? Are they not coming?"

As if on queue the bubbly pink girl appears "Hey-o where my girls at?" She had too much energy for so early in the morning. You then notice she wasn't alone.

Almost all the boys from 1-A were gathered behind her. There were a few sleepy heads in the crowd but a certain pair of red eyes caught your attention.

Would you ever be able to look Bakugo in the eye again without picturing that lewd dream you had?

"Come on guys lets get our tickets. Iida couldn't come, some family thing I think and Sato and Shoji said they would try join us later." Mina ushered everyone into the station.

Everyone purchased their tickets and took a seat on the train, It was an hour and a half journey and most people took the opportunity to have a power nap. You took a seat beside Mina and rest your head against the window before shutting your own eyes.


"Y/N we're here, wake up, ribbit." Asui was gently shaking you.

You stretch and look around, everyone was moving to get their bags and get off the train.

You look out the window and see the glistening blue sea in the distance. You thank Asui and grab your stuff before joining everyone.

It was a short shuttle ride to Momo's beach 'hut'. "Hut,,, Momo this place is bigger than my house." Denki looked at the girl dumbfounded, but he was only saying what the rest of you were thinking.

The building in front of you was definitely not a hut. It was a beautiful two story house with a generous deck and large windows that had a glorious view of the beach.

It was almost 11am by the time everyone had picked a room and dropped off their stuff. You had decided to change and freshen up after the travel. You had a cute summer dress with a halter neck on over your new swimsuit.

"I'm going to go check the place out. I'll meet you all at the beach in a while" You wave to the room full of people as you head to the door.

It was the perfect day for the beach and you couldn't wait to splash around in the sea but first you wanted to explore.

You head down the streets and into the shops taking in all the sites and smells, your tail swaying happily behind you.

You stop at a small stall that was selling little trinkets and you spot something that your mom would love. You hand the man the money for the gift and a sudden shiver runs down your spine, you had a feeling you were being watched.

You were on edge after that, your ears twitching at every sound, was someone following you? You turn a corner to head back towards the house when you come face to face with a group of guys.

There was three of them and they were a bit older than you, maybe two or three years.

The one closest to you grinned and took a step forward. "Hey sweet thing,, you all alone? Wanna have some fun?"

"No, I'm good, my friends are waiting for me,," You go to step around the trio but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back.

"Oh come on babe your friends can wait." He pushes you back against the wall, his grip never leaving your wrist.

You try to get free, a growl rumbling in your throat, but before you could react there was an explosion and the other two guys were sent flying, one into the other.

"Take the hint moron, she's not interested." Bakugo was standing there glaring at the guy, sparks flying from his hands.

The guy holding you glanced at his friends in a heap on the ground then at Bakugo, rage building in his eyes.

You take advantage of the distraction and knee him between the legs. He lets go of your wrist to grab his family jewels as he buckled over in pain.

You step around him and grab Bakugo's hand before running off. Once you were a few streets away and halfway back to the beach you start laughing.

"Thank you,,,but how did you know where I was?" There was no reply so you stop and look at the boy beside you."Bakugo,,,were you the one following me all this time?"

"What if I was,,,dumbass,,,you shouldn't be wondering around by yourself,,," Bakugo growled at you before dragging you towards the beach.

You giggle and follow along behind him. "You know I could have handled those guys myself." You then realise your hands were still linked. "Um Bakugo, you can let go of my hand now,,,"

"What if you couldn't handle them, what if you went into,,," Bakugo cut himself short a deep red hue building in his cheeks as he squeezed your hand tighter.

"Y/N,,,about that day,, we shouldn't have,,,I should have known,,,FUCK,, look I'm sorry alright."

Your confusion is suddenly replaced with embarrassment and realisation. It hadn't been a dream brought on by your heat. That day in your dorm actually happened.

Wolf Whistle : Bakugo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now