Chapter 72 - Valentine's Day

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It was a busy couple of days but somehow you all pulled it off. Sato was delighted with his new mixer and put it to good use helping each of you with your treats. You had lots of fun making your treats together, one night you and Uraraka had to sneak into Sato's room without being seen.

Deku was't an issue, you still weren't even sure if he realised that Uraraka liked him. Bakugo on the other hand, that was a whole other kettle of fish. He was suspicious of you sneaking around and he was getting really grumpy about it.

Bakugo had become so clingy that you had to wait till his usual training session to meet up with Sato. You were surprised to meet Uraraka at first but then she explained that she had a moment of weakness and now had to remake her treats.

You had to laugh at her and tease that maybe you should lock up her next batch until morning. Sato was super helpful so you managed to finish up with enough time to wash up and hurry back to your room.

You had barely sat down on your bed when you heard a thump at the door. You didn't have to check or ask who it was because the door opened a split second later and your grump of a boyfriend stomped in.

Bakugo growled and flopped onto your bed, you eye him up and notice a number of new bruises from his training session. You snuggle up close and nuzzle into his chest as you give him a squeeze. 

"Ugh" He stifled a grunt and winced causing you to loosen your grip. It must have been a tough session this week. You smile at his tough guy act and reach up to give him a quick peck on the cheek before adjusting the blankets and snuggling back down.

****Valentine's Day****

When you woke the next morning Bakugo was already gone, he had mentioned he was meeting Kirishima for an early run. You stretch and dress for class, paying extra attention to your hair and even applied a little lipgloss for the day that was in it.

You grab your bag and go to leave when you realised you almost forgot the treats you had made, quickly spinning around you retrieve the bag from it's hiding place before rushing off to the school.

When you arrived at the school there was a lot of commotion, there was a cluster of first years clambering and squealing around a boy. As you got closer you notice Momo standing nearby, "Hey Momo, good morning?"

The tall dark haired girl looked a little downcast as she watched the gaggle of girls swarming the boy just ahead and thats when you realised who the boy was. It was Todoroki, all the younger girls were swooning over him trying to give him chocolates.

 Momo stood there fidgeting with the small parcel in her hands that you recognised as the sweets she had made for Todoroki. You roll your eyes and shout, "HEY TODOROKI,,,," You wave him over.

Todoroki looked slightly relieved when he spotted you before excusing himself from the throng of girls and making his way over to where the two of you stood. "Good morning," He looked back at the crowd he had just escaped. "Why are they so crazy today?"

You look at Momo and then Todoroki, "Are you serious?"  You shake your head and pat Momo on the back, "I'll leave this to you girl, I'll see you both in class."

You giggle as you skip off towards the classroom, maybe there will be a new couple in class by the end of the day. When you finally enter the classroom you see that Bakugo wasn't there yet and neither was Kirishima. You spot a huge goofy grin on Denki's face and Jiro walking away rosey cheeked and twirling her earjack.

Love was clearly in the air because you could also see Toru and Ojiro sitting close, his tail (since Denki wasn't playing with it) wrapped around her. On the other side of the room Dark Shadow was happily munching on Asui's treats while she spoke with Tokoyami.

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