Chapter 31-Back to School

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The first day back after the Summer Break, Y/N woke early and had a shower, she was still mad that her dad had attacked Bakugo last night and refused to answer his texts.

Y/N was finished getting dressed and had brushed her hair when a message came in on her phone.

Mom: Hey sweetie your dad told me what happened yesterday and he is really sorry about it. Can you please respond to his messages as he is worried about you.

Y/N: Tell him I need time, but I'll message him later. I have to go to class now.

You turn off your phone and head out of your room. You couldn't believe that your dad had actually attacked Bakugo, how were you going to make it up to him?

You had to cut the date short after you transformed because your cloths were shredded.

You spent most of your morning classes in deep thought about the whole thing until Mina came bounding over.

"Hey Y/N,,,whats up with you today you seem a bit spacey?" Mina's yellow eyes shone with concern.

You smile at her weakly. "I'm fine, I ,,,I'm just thinking,,,"

She nudges you with a cheeky grin. "Thinking about Boom boom boi?"

Your face burns with embarrassment. "No,,well,,um, yes but it's not like that, my dad kinda ruined our date yesterday and,,,"

"You went on a date with him yesterday, is that why you were so late coming back to campus?" Mina was now right up in your face trying to get details.

You push her away and laugh, "Yeah it was nice until dad showed up and attacked Bakugo so now I need to find a way to apologise to him."

You chatted as you made your way to the cafeteria and made your way to the table that the rest of the girls were sitting at.

You spent the whole lunch telling the girls about the date and how your dad interrupted.

The girls came up with loads of ideas how to make it up to Bakugo, all Mina's ideas were shot down for being too lewd, some of the others ideas for being to soppy. But at least you had some ideas now.


Hero class was spent in one of the fake training cities, you were teamed up in groups and had to rescue people from different scenarios. You were paired with Midoriya and Asui.

"Hey Y/N why don't you ask Deku about Bakugo? They've been friends for years, ribbit." Asui suggested as you waited for your turn.

Midoriya looked at you confused. "Is there something wrong with Kacchan?"

You wave your hands in front of you, "No, no, he's fine but I need to apologise to him and I'm not sure how to."

You explain again what happened but Midoriya was too focused on asking about the fight and your dad to be of much help and before you knew it it was your groups turn to go.

Your group was tasked with saving people from a burning building. It sounded easy enough but the building was full of smoke and certain areas were falling apart.

But still you managed to get everyone out safely with only minor singes to your fur.

Mr Aizawa and All Might took time to talk to everyone at the end of each groups turn to explain what they had done right and what they could have of done better.

There was no major mess ups but Bakugo got scolded for the amount of damage he caused in his teams rescue.


After all the excitement of the hero class all you wanted to do was relax, you head straight to your dorm to change and check your phone to see all the messages from your dad.

Dad: Hey sweetie I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't know. I was just trying to protect you. I was worried.

Y/N: I get it dad but you don't have to worry about me I can look after myself.

Dad: But you're my little girl.

Y/N: DAD, I'm 17. Look can we just drop it?

Dad: Let me make it up to you, bring him over for dinner so I can apologise to him.

Y/N: No way it's too soon.

Dad: Not right now, how about next week sometime? It will be fun I promise.

Y/N: Fine I'll ask him but no promises. Good Night!

You toss your phone aside, great not only do you have to apologise to Bakugo for ruining your date now you have to invite him to dinner with your parents.

You get up and head to the kitchen for a drink and hear Kirishima and Denki in the common room so decide to go say hi only to realise Bakugo was there too.

He had his usual grumpy look on his face but his eyes softened when he saw you.

"Hey beautiful, how was the rest of your summer break?" Denki ran over to you smiling only to hear sparks fly and angry growls behind him.

He jumps behind you, using you as a shield. "Hey dude, I didn't mean anything by it." He peeks over your shoulder to see Bakugo fuming.

Bakugo storms over grabbing you by the wrist and drags you away from Denki growling. "She's mine dunce face. Stay the fuck away from her."

You slap Bakugo's arm with your free hand. "Ugh leave him alone, come on we need to talk,,," You roll your eyes and walk away pulling Bakugo along with you.

You walk in silence for a few minutes until you are outside your dorm. You sigh deeply before looking at Bakugo with a sad smile.

He looked a little worried. "Um babe what's wrong?" He squeezed your hand slightly.

You tilt your head in confusion. "Why would you think anything is wrong? I just want to apologise for yesterday, my dad can be a bit,,,well, you know,,,,"

You glance down at your feet trying to think of what to say when you hear Bakugo chuckle, "You don't need to apologise dumbass, we're good." He leans in and kisses your forehead. "You're cute when your flustered you know that."

He pets you on the head and turns to leave. "Wait,,,that's not all,,," You grab the hem of his shirt but keep your eyes on the ground. "My dad wants to meet you, like for real, he wants you to come to the house for dinner next week."

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