Chapter 66 - New Years(2)

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You ran all the way home, you didn't stop until you were through the front door. You just wanted Eri to be safe but also wanted her to feel safe and this was the only place you could think of right now.

'Mom I'm home, open the door.' You sent the message out as you ran down the street. You turned the corner and as you paced towards your front door it opened to reveal the worried face of your mother.

Hawks landed on the wall just outside and gave your mother a cheeky smile, "I brought two lost lambs home." He smirked until he heard you growl. "Kidding, kidding. Moonwalker asked me to escort them."

You decided to let that slide because your urges were starting to take over. 'Mom can you take Eri? I,,,Um,, think,,,' You didn't have to finish the sentence.

'I know, I can tell whats going on, go straight to your room. I'll be up to check on you in a bit' She was helping Eri off your back at this stage. "Hello sweetie, I'm Y/N's mom, would you like to come in and wait for your papa?"

You nod your big wolf head and the terrified child releases your fur, 'Don't worry about me, just look after her.' As soon as Eri was safely off your back you dashed up the stairs to your room. All those feelings and sensations from earlier finally making sense.

*****Hours Later*****

Hawks had waited outside the whole time, your mother popping in and out with cups of hot tea and cocoa, snacks and blankets, she even tried to coax him inside but he said his duty was to watch the house and that was best done from outside.

Eventually a very tired, disheveled group of men staggered towards your front door. Hawks gave a lazy salute before joining the group, "All,,Um,,,quiet here so to speak." He reported to Endeavour with a cheeky smirk and a chuckle.

"Watch your mouth or lose your tongue." This was a shock to all the men in the group, they looked at the door in unison to find your mother staring daggers at Hawks. The normally bold blonde was now on the far side of the garden wall using it as a shield.

Aizawa was one of the last through the gate, he was limping slightly from a wound and he laughed at Hawks as he passed by. "Mother wolves are known to kill fools to protect their young."

Hawks didn't move from his spot until everyone was inside and the door was closed shut, only then did he dare to breath again.

"Come in, come in, I'll get you some tea." Your mother ushered them all to the living room but Aizawa followed her to the kitchen.

He waited until they were alone, "Eri? Where is she? Is she okay?" The worry in his voice was clear and your mother could feel the fear seeping off him.

Your mother placed the mugs on the counter and turned to face the man with a sweet smile, "She is fine, she is up stairs napping," she patted him on the shoulder, "Let her sleep a little longer. Go on go sit and recharge I dare say you need it before you get that bundle of energy back."

Aizawa groaned in agreement and limped back to the living room where the rest of the group waited.

***Katsuki's Point of View***

This was only his second time here but the room felt smaller than before, was it the number of people or was it the people in the room? Endeavour, Aizawa, Y/N's mother and father and him but where was Y/N?

He wanted to ask but they were all deep in conversation. He was lost in thought and wasn't really paying attention until your father said "She is in heat again, I could smell it." It's only then his attention was dragged back to the conversation at hand.

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