Chapter 1: The Middle

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No one starts a story in the middle. All stories must start at the beginning. But, when it comes to this story, the beginning is rather boring.

You won't want to hear about how our hero was created. You won't want to hear about when her parents thought naming their twins Ascella Walburga Black and Sirius Orion Black was a good idea. You won't want to hear about her birth, her twin brother's birth or even her younger brother Regulus' birth. You won't want to hear about her childhood, growing up happy and carefree with her brothers.

You won't want to hear about any of this because you've heard it all before. In the first eleven years of her life, there was nothing that made Ascella's life extraordinary. So, this story begins in the summer of 1971, the first time her life changed. For better or for worse? That's an easy question. 

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