Chapter 10: Dancing with Fate

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"Attention," Winky squeaked, "May all aged 17 please make their way to the floor and form lines of male and female. Alex Abbot, just choose whichever line, nobody cares."

They assumed their positions and the enchanted orchestra began once more, playing a brighter tune this time. 
Ascella looked to see who her first dance partner was, and it was, of course, Sirius.

"Why hello stranger!" Sirius smiled. 
"Piss off!"
"See! I knew teaching you swear words was important. Silly Regulus." 
Regulus was only sixteen, so he sat at the side. Ascella almost felt bad for him, until she noticed the glass of champagne in his hand. Regulus caught her eye and tilted his glass towards her before taking a swig. Noticing her confused look, he nodded towards an older lady, who seemed to be staring at her hand in confusion. 
"Bloody underaged drinker."
"Who?" Sirius raised a perfectly arched brow.
"The little bugger." Sirius smiled, "Well, fair stranger, it appears our dance has ended." He span her around until she landed in the arms of her next partner. Peter Pettigrew.

Peter was not as good of a dancer as Sirius. He stumbled about, and once accidentally stepped on her toe. She winced and he looked up apologetically.
"Sorry. I'm not a dancer. I'm more of a..." He trailed off.
"It's alright," Ascella comforted, "I'd say let me lead but my mother's watching. Just step forward, to the side, back and to the other side. Then repeat it."
Peter followed her instructions, and though he was not as good as her, he wasn't messing up too badly. 
"Now spin me over to your friend."
Peter twirled her around to another dance partner. Remus Lupin

"Sorry about Peter," Remus apologised, "We tried to teach him the dance but we only had an hour and it's rather complicated."
"Oh don't worry," Ascella teased, "He's rather okay at dancing. You must have been over complicating it."
"You really are Sirius' sister, aren't you?" Ascella smiled. Remus recognised that smile, it was the smile he saw every day. The one that gave him butterflies. It was that Sirius Black grin. Maybe it was a twin thing.
"Of course I'm his sister. But I have to admit, I am the better Black."
"Really?" Remus exclaimed, "Because Sirius has been going by that title for years."
"Cheeky little twat."
"Well, you've got quite a mouth on you. I'll have to pass you on now. Nice talking to you!"
The end of his sentence trailed away as Ascella span over to her next partner. 

She didn't know this boy, with a hooked nose and long dark hair. He looked like Sirius but he didn't have any of the bone structure or any of the confidence, so he kind of looked like a Sirius knock off.
"Hello," she said, politely, "I'm Ascella."
"Severus Snape." His voice was monotonous and droning, and it made Ascella want to fall asleep. 
"Are you one of my brother's friends too?"
"Who's your brother?" 
"Well, I have two but the one I'm talking about is Sirius. Sirius Black."
"I am not his friend," Severus scoffed. "But I could be yours."
The hand he had around her waist slipped lower and his thin lips twisted into a malicious smile. Ascella's blood ran cold. 
"No thanks, I think I'll go to my next dance partner now." She forced a laugh and span herself over to the next boy in line. James Potter.

"Sorry you had to dance with Snivellus," James joked, "You're probably covered in his dandruff and grease now."
"Yeah," she laughed, "He's a right creep, that Snape."
"So, Sirius has a sister."
"Twin sister, actually."
"Really?" James chuckled. "I would have thought you were older than him, since you're almost his height." 
"Please, Sirius was never going to be the tall one. How tall is he?"
"5'9 I think."

"Well, I'm 5'7 and I'm pretty sure Reggie is 6'0. Speaking of my brothers, I just had the most interesting conversation with one of them. About you." She caught Regulus' eye from across the room and gave him the least subtle wink ever. Though, James somehow didn't notice.
"What has Sirius said now?"
"I never said it was Sirius." James raised an eyebrow, confused. "Then again, it must be Sirius, mustn't it? After all, he's the one you're friends with." 

James looked as though he wanted to ask a question but the enchanted instruments played the final bar of the music. The dance had ended. Ascella curtseyed to James and walked over to Regulus.
"Why, hello Mr Underaged Drinker! I just had the most interesting conversation with a James Potter. Do you know him?"
Regulus rolled his eyes and was about to interject when something cut him off.

"Ascella!" A voice whispered harshly. "Ascella! Regulus! Come here!"
It was their mother and they knew better than to ignore her. They made their way over to her. Ascella curtseyed.
"Yes, Mother?"
"Go and talk to the Potter's son. Be nice to him."
"Of course. May I ask why?"
"It will make his parents more likely to accept our proposal."

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