Chapter 7: Her Darling Debut

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Wednesday 21st July 1977

"Now you are to arrive in a car with me. Regulus and your father shall arrive in a second car. Me, your father and your brother shall enter first, then you will be announced. I don't like that you are debuting at the Potter's Summer Ball, but it is the only event that I can guarantee all of the Sacred 28 shall go to. The Sacred 28 is all of the pureblood families that have no trace of Squib or mudbloods in their families. You shall socialise there. Do you understand everything I have told you?"
"I understand, Mother."
"Good," Walburga crowed, "Now get into your gown, I trust you won't need help."
"I'll be fine. Thank you, Mother."


The Potter's ballroom had been decked out with flowers and golden embellishments, that made the already grand room even grander. The Potter's Annual Summer Ball was an event that everyone looked forward to and the ballroom buzzed with excitement. Winky, the Potter's house elf, stood on the steps ready to announce anyone entering the ball.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Winky squeaked, her voice projected by a spell Euphemia had cast earlier, "Presenting Orion and Walburga Black, and the Black heir, Master Regulus Black!" 

The Black family walked down the stairs, Walburga clutching her husband's arm as though he were a life raft and she was drowning, Regulus traipsing behind them. All three wore black dress robes and sombre expressions and it seemed as if they were entering a funeral, not a party.
"And for her debut," Winky piped up again, and heads snapped towards the staircase to see who Winky was talking about, "Miss Ascella Black." 

Ascella descended the staircase in a stunning, dark blue gown, her skirt rippling out across the staircase behind her. Her dark hair was piled atop her head and held in place with a mother of pearl comb. Unlike her family, her face was not unkind or judging but blank and expressionless, as though she was hypnotised. You would have thought she was, if you were not Sirius and Regulus who knew to look for the small dimple in her cheek that only appeared when she was smiling secretly. She wasn't upset, she was happy but hiding it.

Gasps sounded from the guests, whispers and murmurs of "Another Black? I thought there were only two!" and "A daughter? They have a daughter?". Ascella reached the bottom of the stairs and walked gracefully over to her parents. 
"Mother, Father." She curtseyed. "May I see my brothers now?"
Walburga frowned at the mention of her sons but nodded none the less. 
"Don't disappoint us. We've worked hard on molding you into the perfect pureblood lady. Do not mess that up."

Ascella walked over to Regulus, slowly. Ladies do not run.

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