Chapter 14: Change and Changing

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Guests began to trickle out of the door and shouts of "Lovely night Monty" and "Great party Effie" could be heard as people left. Ascella and Regulus had been forced to say goodbye to their parents. Regulus had some how sobered over the last few minutes, though the glare of Walburga Black could scare anyone into sobering up. 

Walburga pulled her daughter in close as though it was a hug, but really, her fingernails clenched into her arms and she hissed in Ascella's ear,
"Do not disgrace our family or we will not hesitate to disown you. You are not the heir."
She pulled away with a fake smile and turned to Regulus, whispering something that made him swallow hard. 

When all the guests had left, Euphemia turned to the remaining teens. 
"So, dears shall we discuss sleeping arrangements?"
James let up, "We should have a boys room and a girls room!"
Ascella paled. Spending the night in a room without her brothers, with girls she didn't know sounded like hell. Sirius met her eye and mouthed 'Don't worry'.
"We could all hang out in the boys room first, so we'd only have to sleep in separate rooms."
"Right," Euphemia nodded. "Shall the boys room be James' room or Sirius'?"
"Mine!" James shouted, "Let's go!" 

He ran up the stairs, Sirius, Remus, Peter and surprisingly Regulus following him without hesitation. Then again, Regulus following him wasn't that surprising, considering how drunk and in love with James he was. Mary and Marlene ran upstairs, giggling. Dorcas followed Marlene, looking at the blonde girl with some glazed over look in her eyes. Ascella was confused until she realised, that was the look Regulus got when he looked at James. Perhaps queers were more common than she thought. 

Lily rolled her eyes, before traipsing up the stairs. She looked back, long red hair flipping over her shoulder. 
"You coming?" she asked sweetly. Ascella nodded, following her up the Potter's red-carpeted staircase. Lily pushed open a door and they entered a room covered in red, gold and a few posters for something called Quidditch. She would have to ask Sirius. 

"Ladies," James declared, "Your room is next door. Mum has pyjamas for you to go and get changed into. Now go forth and change for the Marauders shall be doing so too. Unless you want to stay, Lily." 
Lily lifted up her middle finger and walked out of the room. Sirius had taught Ascella well enough that she knew that was rude. She followed the other girls into the next room to get changed. She didn't want to change in front of these girls, whom she had only just met. Lily noticed this, and walked up to her.
"Take these," she offered, holding out a pair of green silky pyjamas, "There's an ensuite bathroom you can get changed in. We don't mind, the four of us share a dorm at Hogwarts anyway."

Ascella went into the bathroom to get changed. Her heart swelled at Lily's kindness. She looked at the pyjamas in shock, for they were a shirt and trousers! She had only ever worn nightgowns at home and she hadn't thought girls were allowed to wear trousers. Cursing her parents under her breath, she slipped on the pyjamas. She pulled the mother of pearl comb out of her hair and let her dark locks tumble down. The comb had been a gift from her mother and even though she hated her, the comb really was quite pretty. She tucked the comb away in the pocket of her trousers and walked into the bedroom. Surely the other girls would have changed by now.

The girls were in fact dressed and sat on the floor, giggling and whispering about something. They stopped talking when Ascella walked in. She got that strange feeling again. Were they talking about her? Lily jumped up, grabbing a pillow.
"Let's go see the boys."

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