The Spirit Of Vengeance: Endgame (Part 3)

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A/n: This is likely gonna go another 3 chapters beyond this, including an Epilogue hopefully. Heavy character development with slight progression in the movie coming up. Apologies this took so long, college and not dying takes a bit of a priority over updating these days but once in a blue moon I find the energy to churn out a few thousand words. 



"So. Do you mind telling me why, after 5 years, you still blame yourself? Why you still feel guilty? Wanda demands to know, easing her grip on your ear slightly. You sigh, hoping she had forgotten.

"Because this universe is the way it is because of me."


Throughout the Stark residence, silence reigned supreme over all else, which was rather unlike what would normally be going on. In between Morgan Starks obsession with watching old movies and with the general chatter between the residents going on whenever they had guests over. Today was an very odd day to say the least. The porch of the residence was as quiet as the inside, despite the two people in current occupence of the area. Y/n L/n and Wanda L/n (née Maximoff) were set down on opposite sides of one another. Hints of concern and apprehension on both of their faces as they slowly begin to talk about the topic each have been silent about since their fellow Avengers had left the compound. 

"I suppose you can call it survivors guilt to sum it up. I fought him, and by all acounts beat the holy hell out of him- but just one mistake lead to you being caught." Y/n began, in what was practically a whisper.

Wanda cautiously began rubbing the palm of her right hand slowly across her stomach. "That wasn't your fault Y/n, and you know it wasn't. It was mine. I was taught better than to be caught so off-guard, by you and everyone else when I joined. And giving up the stone- however noble, was Thor's decision, and his mistake. I shouldn't be here."

"That's crap Wanda. I was gonna give it to the prick either way. Thor just made the decision quicker. And I'm thankful he did, because I don't know what I would have done if..." He stopped, breathing heavily as Wanda had taught him to do to calm himself down before he set something on fire... again. Wanda smiled at the effort- however terrible of an effort it was judging by the smoke rising up from his body. Slowly, he cooled down, and Wanda began yet again.

"You almost certainly would've done something stupid. Like a few months ago when you went out with Wong and ended up-" Y/n immediately shot up and clasped his hand around Wanda's mouth to stop her from speaking any longer"

"We made a deal. We do NOT bring that up... ever." Wanda merely rolled her eyes and pushed his arm away. 

"If I recall, the deal was I wouldn't bring it up unless it was to lighten the mood. Mission successful."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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