The Spirit of Vengeance: Age of Ultron.

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A/n: Keep up all the support! If this chapter hits 45 likes in under 24 hours, I will have another chapter uploaded next weekend! If not, I'm taking a break for a week lmao, I spent my entire weekend on this chapter and I Need votes to feed my addiction- I mean.... yeah my addiction. I got no excuses lmao. Alright, buckle up fuckos, let's get to work!



Y/n: Okay, cool. So now i'm intrigued. How the hell are you going to tell the rest of your team that i'm on their team now?

Y/n looks around at Bruce and Natasha, both of which have been knocked unconscious.

Tony: They'll be fine. Bruce can heal super fast so he'll be as good as new tomorrow. Romanoff's gonna be fine with it, the only person I can see having an issue with it is Steve, but he'll get used to you. Hopefully. You did almost kill him, so expect him to be suspicious of you for joining so easily. Clint just won't give a shit. Now, we need to carry these guys to the quinjet. I'll notify Maria that the mission was complete and to send something to pick your stuff up here.

Welcome to the Avengers kid.

-1 1/2 Month Later- Age of Ultron Begins-

Tony: Hey Y/n! Take your earphones off, we're almost here.

Y/n briefly glances at Tony and rolls his eyes, merely turning the volume in his earphones up to where the music eventually drowns out Tony and the rest of the Avengers' voices, much to Tony and Steve's chagrin, but to Clint's amusement.

(A/n: Again, play another song you like instead if you don't fancy this one. Move along)

Tony: ... Did he just roll his eyes at me? He just rolled his eyes at me! God damn teenagers.

Clint: Ha, finally got a taste of that sass I was telling you all about Stark? For someone who barely leaves the tower and only wears similar looking clothes, he can be a pain in the ass, isn't that right bud?

Y/n smirks and stands up getting ready to eject from the Quinjet, leaving a chuckling Clint behind.

Steve: Alright kid, this is where we're dropping you out. Take out the troops in this area and we'll all converge around the entrance. You know we can't exactly have you an Hulk be near each other until the battle starts. You know what to do either way. Have fun down there.

Y/n half-assedly salutes Cap who smiles and salutes back. Y/n then jumps out of the back of the quinjet and leaves the jet in silence.

Natasha: ... Well at least he didn't flip you off this time. That's progress.

Bruce: I guess you could say... he's warming up to us! .... Get it?

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