The Spirit of Vengeance: Endgame (Part 2)

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A/n: The next edition of the Spirit Of Vengeance is finally here! I am alive. Apologies for the long delay, but I was heavily working on my projects in the first year of college, as we are now, finally approaching the very end, and this may be the second/third to last chapter of this book minus the potential Epilogue! As always don't forget to like the chapter, share it, follow and comment as I enjoy interacting with you lot, and it lets me know you enjoy the chapter. Now, without further adieu, let's head right back into the world of The Avengers!



Thanos was sent to the deepest, darkest depths of hell, reliving this moment for the rest of his afterlife, never to find peace or relief, as his mortal body wasn't moving, and barely breathing. Y/n stepped back, memorising everything he had seen, especially the memory of Thanos' final snap where he did indeed destory the stones, reduced to atoms, as he had said. Y/n's beam finally died as he stopped his grip on Thanos' head, which immediately caused his entire body to topple over one last time. Y/n stood up straight, and morphed back into his human form. The Avengers were silent. Shocked, disgusted, and relieved all at the same time.

"What... what was that Y/n?" Wanda asked, shocked.

Y/n stops for a second, knowing there was truly no hope.

"That was penance, long overdue."





If there was one word to describe the city of New York, the chosen word would be ruin. The streets were littered with an unimaginable amount of trash, cars were rusting after sitting for 5 years straight with no maintenance, buildings were closed along the dark and dreary city as the clouds rolled in to somehow darken the city even more. What was most telling however, was the silence. It was eerily quiet, which was very unlike normal New York in its prime. The only thing being heard now during rush hour was a deathly cold wind, symbolising the life that the humans of Earth, and the many species of the cosmos now had to live by due to the Snap, commonly referred to as "The Blip", which eliminated half of all living creatures in the known universe, just as Thanos set out to do.

Despite the destruction of the inner city, much of the countryside was left rather untouched, and Mother Nature was rightfully reclaiming her home, something she had lost long ago. But there was one specific area Mother Nature could not reach; The 'New' Avengers facility, despite it being years old in 2023. Although much traffic in and out of the facility had ceased completely, there were still inhabitants in the facility, but not many. Two remained permanently, others off on their own, living their own lives, and a few other former residents stopped by from time to time, such as Rhodey and the remaining Guardians. The two that remained were who anyone could've guesses. Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rodgers the only ones left resident permanently. Speaking of...

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