Failure after Faliure

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Haloooooo! I am so freak in sorry for not posting sooner, my tablet was taken away and yeah. A warning now, be prepared for some feels, cause I was getting sad just writing this. And you'll all probably hate me after this. I do not own Ouran or anything I make references to.

Hikaru POV

The look of fear on Elijah's face was enough to make me regret what I asked "Why?" He asked in a small voice "I thought we could keep it a secret now..." I sighed and shook my head "I'm sorry, but there's a girl downstairs. She's the one my mother introduced me to, and she wants...She wants to make me marry her." He looked at me like I was insane "People still do arranged marriages?"

I shrugged "apparently. She said she would only call it off if I gave her a good reason." I put my hands on Elijah's shoulders "Please Elijah. I can't think of a better way. And my mom has plenty of Homosexual friends, so she's bound to be accepting of us!"

He bit his lip in an endearing way and closed his eyes "Do you promise?" He asked. I nodded determined "I promise."

He stayed quiet for a second, then sighed, looking up at me "Okay, I trust you." I took his hand, leading him downstairs.where my mother was waiting.

Sure enough, there she was exactly where I left her. Sitting at the head of the dining room table. Next to her was a girl about my age with light blonde hair and green eyes, but not quite as beautiful as Elijah's. My mother had her arms crossed over her chest waiting patiently "I was beginning to think you were running off without answering the questions Hikaru." She looked at Elijah curiously as if just noticing him "And who is this?"

I took a deep breath "Mom, I'm sorry, but I can't marry Elizabeth."I was surprised I remembered her name despite only hearing it once. She looked at meeting with an amused glint in her eyes "Oh? And why not? She's beautiful, from a good family, talented and smart, what more could you ask for in a wife?"

I held Elijah's hand a little tighter for reassurance and he squeezed back "Because she's not who I love." She looked at me a little surprised but I continued "Mother, this is Elijah, he's...he's the one I really care about."

To ensure it, Elijah bowed to my mother "It's a pleasure to finally meet you ma'am. Hikaru has told me a lot about you. Yes, I know I am not from a wealthy family, but I ask you, please don't look at me for my social status. I love Hikaru, I really do. And I would never do anything to him that would hurt him." He hesitated then bowed again "please, give our relationship a chance. I beg you!"

My heart gave a gymnastics routine hearing Elijah say all of that. I knew he loved me, but I didn't expect him to talk about it so easily, let alone promise not to do something that has been my whole problem for trusting people in the first place.

My mom must have noticed this and rested her head in her hands "Is that so." She looked at Elizabeth, who just looked at us stunned like she never heard of a couple like us, which she probably didn't. "Elizabeth." My mother said getting everyone's attention "I am sorry, but it appears there has been a...change in these plans. Hikaru will not be able to marry you. I deeply apologize, but the engagement is off."

I sighed in relief and Elijah hugged me, probably happy that we didn't have to split up, I know I was.

She continued to speak to Elizabeth but I didn't hear a thing she said. Elizabeth finally stood up and bowed to us. "It was a pleasure to meet you all." She said in a cheerful voice and looked at Elijah and I. "For the record." She said a new spark in her eye "The two of you make an amazing couple." She left the room and my mother stood up "I'm surprised Hikaru, I would never peg you as being gay. It appears I was wrong." She looked at Elijah like he was a new toy "I hope the two of you stay together. I find you very... interesting boy." With that, she left us and went in the direction of the girl.

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