Is this a game?

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YOOOOOOO! Okay, this is the last chapter I will be able to do before I'm back in groundation, so PLEASE LIKE THIS!!i promise I'll update as soon as I can when I'm free. I love you all my amazing readers and thank you for liking my stories!!!!i don't own Ouran or anything else I make references to.

Hikaru POV

I woke up on the floor of my bedroom.Again. It's been like this since the stupid amusement park. I should never have kissed Elijah. The poor guy must be traumatized now! I was so humiliated I didn't go to school on Friday. So it was now Monday, and I haven't been able to sleep since. The only thing I really did was continue watching that stupid anime he introduced me to!! Even so, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I don't even know how I did it, that was my first kiss, and I was sure I was into girls. But then... Why did it feel so good with a guy "Man, I have problems." I said rubbing my head

"What was that Hikaru?" My brother said waking up, rubbing his eyes. I shook my head "It's nothing." I lied standing up "I need my uniform." I mumbled Kaoru frowned and wrapped his arms around me "What's wrong Hikaru?" I squirmed and unwrapped myself "I'm fine." I told him and backed away "where's the maid with my uniform!!" I ran out of the room, trying to find one who knew where my clothes were.


I sighed as we finally got in the car and were taken to school. I yawned as I looked out the window. This whole kiss thing was seriously taking its toll on me. Everytime I thought about it, or anything related to Elijah, my heart hurt and I feel like I can't breathe.

"Hikaru?" I looked at my brother who shifted in his seat "I know that something is on your mind, and I want you to know you can tell me anything. I won't hate you, I mean, we're brothers after all." I thought about my problem a little more, then came to a conclusion. I sighed and looked at my brother " Kaoru, I have to tell you something, but you have to swear never to tell anyone.Ever." He nodded looking at me seriously "I promise. I swear on my life."

I took a deep breath "I think...that I may be in love. But he's a boy."

Elijah POV

After what happened at the amusement park, I had a worse fate at home. Dad was furious that I was out for so long and that I didn't tell him. He beat me so badly that I was bleeding in more places than one. Before he could do any real damage though, he got a call from Kyoya. He explained to my dad that is was necessary for me to stay so late, because the club was in charge of an experiment that the headmaster had them do. Dad eventually understood and hung up, glaring at me "Dam it all boy, what have I told you about telling me these things?"

I looked down at the floor "To always let you know where I'm going to be. I'm sorry da-" ,"Sorry doesn't cut it!" I flinched and he picked me up by the collar of my shirt so I was looking him in the eye "How am I supposed to know what your doing of you don't tell me? For all I know, you could be doing stupid shit your mother did!" I got wide eyed, he never talked about her before. He shouved me to the ground "Try something stupid like this again boy, and I'll show you no mercy." He pointed to my room "now get out of my sight." I stumbled getting up , and ran full speed, slamming the door and heard a 'click' from the other side. I sighed, 'locked in again." I said and layed down on the bed.

Why did he bring up my mother in this? I shook my head and grabbed my pillow, holding on tightly. "Well, that was the perfect cheery on top of this rotten day." I mumbled, and tried to fall asleep.

By the time Monday came along, I almost forgot about the whole thing.Almost. I knew it was just a joke that the twins were pulling on me, but I still couldn't beleive they went to far as for Hikaru to kiss me. I mean, what the heck? The jerk stole my first kiss. Sure it was nice,and his lips were really soft, and it was at a very romantic moment...

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