Let the humiliation begin

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Hallo! Yes, sadly I am back quicker than usual to update, but I don't care! But I like writing this story and my other one so even if no one wants to read it, I want it to be out there in the open even if no one cares about it. Well, on with chapter 6! I do not own Ouran or anything I make references to.

Elijah POV


I felt bad for keeping my secret from Haruhi, but I didn't want her getting in the middle of my problems. It became harder though as she kept asking me what happened exactly.

She finally gave me a break during lunch or as they say 'noontime recess' cause she was helping a teacher, so I left to eat in the classroom when I bumped into someone knocking our drinks over onto eachother and dropping my tray

"I'm so sorry!" I said wide eyed and looked to see who it was and I felt even worse.

He looked down at his uniform and his brother did the same "Well now you've done it Commoner! Hikaru's uniform is all ruined!" Kaoru said alarmed.

I bowed my head and crouched down to pick up the ruined food "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!I-I'll pay for i-" this time, someone ran into me from behind making me loose balance and fall into it face first.

I heard people gasp and I wiped the stuff as best as I could out of my face. The first thing I saw was the twins and a bunch of other people stairing at me in shock. Then, I heard a snap of a camera and someone laughing. Soon they were all laughing at me.

I stood up and ran out of the room feeling completely humiliated. I heard someone call my name, but I ignored them and ran into the first bathroom I could find and saw myself.

My face was still covered in frosting from the cake slice I got, some was even in my hair and the drink was all over the bottom of the blazer making it look like I wet myself.

"And someone took a picture of me like this?" I couldn't help but sob and turned the water on trying to wipe it all off.

Hikaru POV (cause why not?)


I didn't know what to think except 'This is cold!' As soon as the drink spilt. Everything after that happened in a blur and when I could figure out what was going on, the first thing I saw was Elijah....covered in both mine and his food. I heard everyone laughing and could see the tears in his eyes right before he ran.

I looked at my brother who was giggling a little along with everyone else "What was all that for Kaoru?"

He spoke to me with a few giggles in between his words "h-he spilled his food on you and then the same thing happened to him,but infront of everyone. The look on his face in the end though, I thought for sure he'd start crying!"

I just looked at him "How is that funny? It's not funny at all the guy's completely embarrassed now! We didn't even treat Haruhi like this on he- his first day here!"

Kaoru looked like I had just slapped him and I went after Elijah. "Hey Elijah wait up!" I saw him run in a bathroom and followed him in, hiding behind the wall of the entrance.

I could hear him sobbing and muttering something that was so quiet I could only make out the last part "Looks like I really am the outsider in the Host club."

I shook my head "you're wrong." I muttered and looked at myself 'wait, how come I'm hiding?'i got out of the hiding place an went over to the sinks, grabbing one of the towels trying to get the liquid out of my blazer.

"I-I'm really really sorry about earlier." He told me not looking at me.

I shrugged "Don't be. Accidents happen and I can just buy a new uniform.

He shook his head and took a towel drying his face "you dam rich people." He said

I smirked at him and patted his head"Come on, you know you're jealous!"

He glared at me "Why are you even talking to me still?Don't you have some brotherly love to handle?"

"That's just an act for the host club, as for talking to you..." I trailed off. Why did I come here?

He turned the water off and put the towel away, shaking his damp head "exactly." And he walked out of the bathroom.

I stood there for a second with only one thing on my mind "Why did I come in here? Or better yet, why did I follow him here?" The bell rang, breaking my train of thought. I blinked and walked out back to class.

In the way of walking though, I ran into him again and the looked at me confused "Why are you following me?"

I put my hands in my pockets "We go to the same class idiot."

He scoffed and looked away quickly but I saw something before he turned away, was he blushing? Thinking he was for some reason made my face heat up. I shook it off when he spoke

"Whatever. And don't call me idiot. I'm smart enough to get a scholarship into here when your mommy and daddy payed for you to be here.Now what sounds smarter to you?"

Now I glared at him "Hey, no need to bring my parents into this.They're actually very good people."

He muttered something that sounded like 'lucky you.' And opened the classroom door sitting next to Haruhi, as usual and I sat next to Kaoru

"What happened Hikaru? Why did you run off like that?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed "Just tried cleaning up my mess."

The bells rang again and the teacher began to speak "Alright class settle down. I have a task for all of you."

Elijah POV


"This should be good."I said and payed attention to what she was saying.

"For your English class, I have decided to have you each act out a part from well known plays made in either England or America. You will be in pairs of two-"

People cheered and I smiled at Haruhi and could see the twins smirking at eachother and then everything came crashing down when the teacher spoke again

"And I have taken the liberty of chosing your partners."

Everyone was stunned as she started naming off the pairs "Renge, you are with Timothy, Haruhi you are with Kaoru, and Hikaru..."

"Oh please no." I muttered

"You are with Elijah."

Yep there we go! Chapter 6 done! And yes Tim, I went there and put you in go ahead and hate me later for it ^-^ I'll probably update on the weekend so yeah look forward to that. PONDS peeps!

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