Kaoru's Truth

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Hey guys!! I just realized that it takes me TWO FRIGGIN WEEKS to update a story and I will.say now, I am so sorry for always making you guys wait for so.long. I will say now 1. Thank you SO MUCH for.always waiting for the newest Instalments and 2. I will try to update sooner for you guys, especially since this story will be ending soon ;-; I can't say exactly when, but the chapters are in the single digits. And a warning for this chapter: it does have a SLIGHT moment of incest, but... well, you'll see for yourselves. I do not own Ouran or anything I make references to.

Hikaru POV

I went through the rest of my day normally enough. Lessons were normal (boring), people were normal (crazy), fangirl were, well, fangirls. I tolerated them all the way till the end of school, where some began coming to me and asking questions about everything and nothing at the same time.

"Oh Hikaru, when are you coming back to the Host Club?" One asked

"We've been waiting for days now, and we miss the brotherly love with you and Kaoru!" Another told me.

"What's wrong? Did something happen between you guys at home?" A third asked.

The fourth paused "Uhm, I know this is probably a long shot, but do you know why Elijah wasn't in class for the past few days?"

I froze and looked up at them from where I was sitting. The first one got a clue and became wide eyed "Does Elijah not being here have to do with why you haven't been coming to the club?" I tried to keep a neutral expression 'these girls are too smart for their own good.' I cleared my throat to answer them "Well, what had happened was-"

"There you are Hikaru!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned to where it came from and nearly sighed in relief "I don't think I've ever been so grateful to see his face." I muttered and stood up as The members of the Host Club made their way to me.

"Hey, Boss!" I greeted Tamaki and rubbed the back of my head "What's up?" He looked at me expectantly "I can't believe you forgot about the meeting we were supposed to have a noontime break!" He exclaimed sounding disappointed.

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised "Noontime meeting? What are you talking about?" Hani-senpai ran to me and spun me in a circle "Oh come on Hika-chan, don't act like you forgot!" He laughed and stopped spinning. He barely gave me time to make the room stop spinning before he started dragging me along "Come on, let's get to the new meeting now!" He shouted cheerfully, dragging me from the mob of girls.

By the time I could finally see straight, I was in the club room and surrounded on all sides by the members. I looked at the person who I knew was in charge of this "Okay boss, what is this about? And why didn't you just tell me to come to the club room? I would've done it... most likely."  Tamaki sat on his throne and laced his hands together. "Hikaru. This has gone on long enough." He looked at me seriously " You need to learn to forgive and forget. And you need to start by forgiving Kaoru.

I felt like a stone just dropped in my stomach "What? After all that he's done?! Why do I have to forgive him!?" Tamaki looked at me straight faced "No matter what happened between you and Kaoru, you are still family, brothers! And family is supposed to forgive each other for their mistakes, especially when they other already has learned from their mistakes."

I looked at Suoh bewildered "Are you kidding me?" I looked to Kaoru who was to Tamaki's right. He looked at me sadly, but his eyes showed that he was serious "Hikaru, please." He begged "I didn't think that my plan would cause for Elijah to be abused like that. I didn't think he would be hurt physically at all!!" I looked at him angrily "Yet you went there with the plan to hurt him regardless didn't you? That's enough for me!"

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