Why my Tears won't stop

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Hello my readers!! I'm sorry it took me forever to post this,I've had stuff to do. Yes, stuff. No real a/n this time so I don't own Ouran or anything I make references to.

Elijah POV


He looked down at me at first with shock, and why wouldn't he? I woke up just as he kissed me, it was something out of a fairy tale! I saw his shock quickly turn to fear and he backed away "I'm sorry. Oh god I'm sorry." He ran a hand through his hair "I shouldn't even be here right now, I'm sorry Elijah!" He turned to leave but I shook my head, leaving my trance-like state

"No!" I grabbed his wrist, just as he was running away. He quickly stopped and looked at me. I blushed slightly, but I looked him in the eye, trying not to let my tears escape "Don't...please don't run away from me. I...I don't want you to leave," I said the next part much quieter "I don't want to loose you again."

He looked at me with wide eyes, pulling off an impression of a gaping fish. I would've laughed If it wasn't in this situation, but seeing him like that made me feel horrible. I looked down, not wanting to see what he did next.

"Why?" He asked me "Why would you...after all I've done to you today, all that I said...why would you still care about me? I hurt you, so how could you still want me?!"

I couldn't speak. I didn't know what to say to him. Why did I still care? He hit me without hesitation. Automatically he believed his brother over me. It was only by accident he found out the truth, so how could I still see him the way I have the past week?


He shook his head, and pulled his arm free "It was a mistake. I'm sorry." He hung his head "You were just confused because you just woke up. I know you really hate me now. I know that kiss didn't mean anything, and I know what you said isn't true. I'll leave you be now."

I watched as he walked to leave the room, but it was as if my mind was slowing it down, making it more painful than it had to be. I shook my head trying to think of the answer ' Why do I still care? Why does every time I see him I get this weird feeling? Why do I have this pain in my heart every time he goes away!'

"Stop it!" I said trying to get out of the bed, but couldn't because of my injuries "shit!" I said as I lost balance and went head first to the floor. I put my arms out for support, but before I could feel the impact, something caught me before I hit.

I knew who it was, so I grabbed onto his shirt tightly, not letting go "It's not a lie!" I shouted at Hikaru "Its not a lie about what I said! I still care about you despite what you did because your the only one who makes me feel the way I do! Who ever made me feel this way!"

I looked up into his gold orbs, knowing what I was about to.say was the truth "I still feel this way about you....Because I'm in love with you!"

He looked at me stunned at what I said, so I kept talking before he could do anything else

"I know I haven't said it before, but that was because I didn't know for sure what the hell this was. I know it didn't seem like it these past few days, but I do know it's true. I've never felt like this around anyone.You make me feel like I'm safe.You make me feel loved." I gripped his shirt tighter leaning my head onto his chest "please don't think I'm lying, because I'm not. Please believe me. I love you Hikaru Hitachiin. I love you, I love you...I love you."

I couldn't stop them anymore and I started to cry, not caring about anything else. I held onto Hikaru like a life line, and I would die if I ever let go.

"Elijah." He said quietly. I felt his arms around me and pull me closer to him "I...I love you too." He whispered to me. I looked up at him in shock. I saw tears in the corners of his eyes, and he's never cried before. "Thank you." He said and stood up, carrying me bridal style back to the hospital bed. My ribs were killing me, and my leg was throbbing, but I didn't care, I had my Hikaru back.

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